[Agora Deposit] Q 15:2: Well to the North of Nymphaeum

Well to N of Nymphaeum at 115/ΙΣΤ. A good water supply but no evidence for a period of use. Exceptionally heavy dumped filling, including much fine tableware, many wine- jar fragments and other objects ... Ca. 420-400 B.C.


[Agora Image] 2000.01.0734 (91-22-15)

Red figure oinochoe fragment, P 23819 b ... Horizontal (normal) ... 1997


[Agora Image] 2000.01.0744 (91-22-13)

Red figure oinochoe fragment, P 23819 a ... Horizontal (normal) ... 1997

[Agora Object] Agora XXX, no. 659

Two non-joining wall fragments. Very thin, brownish wash on the inside. Max. dim. a) 0.039, b) 0.022. Fragment a preserves the legs (the left with the top of a boot) of a youth seated to right on a cloak, ... Ca. 400 B.C.