
[Agora Object] P 7817: Red Figure Epinetron Fragment

A fragment from near the front of the object. The beginning of the incurve at the front, very nearly the full height; and the lower edge preserved. A woman in chiton and himation to right, holding a mirror; ... 21 May 1936


[Agora Object] P 9195: Red Figure Epinetron Fragment

Fragment from lower end only, much worn. Upper part of female head to left, wearing an elaborate headdress, with a tiara with a running spiral decoration. Panel bordered by a maeander band. Above this ... 15-26 May 1936


[Agora Object] P 9426: Red Figure Epinetron Fragments

Two fragments, a) mended from three, b) from five, preserve part of the open end of one side, with the start of the curve at the closed end. Around the open end, rays; then a laurel band. Around the closed ... 15 March 1937


[Agora Object] P 24262: Red Figure Epinetron Fragment

Broken all around; fragment from one side. A woman standing, to left, draped in chiton and himation, is approached from the left by a figure bearing a casket. A little relief contour. Square Building ... 3 June 1954