[Agora Deposit] M 20:3: Well

Well at 69/ΟΒ (Late 5th c.) Lower fill dated to 420-400 B.C. in Agora XXX. There were no use filling and the well was apparently not a success as a water-supply: there was no concentration of water-jars ... 420-400 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 19:2: Cistern

Bottle-shaped cistern with dumped fillings on NW slopes of Areopagus; appears not to have been finished in antiquity: the walls and floor show no traces of stucco. Lower filling, ca. 375-340 B.C. Upper ... Ca. 375-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 19:2.2: Lower fill

It is a considerable deposit including both figured and plain wares, the red-figure consistently of the second quarter of the 4th c. Estimated Grid ... Ca 375-340 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] M 18:7: Pit

Pit at 74/ΜΑ (1.10x0.58). Debris filling containing a quantity of animal bones; probably a household refuse pit Animal bones (domestic animals); cow, pig, goat, sheep, hen, dog, and several varieties ... Ca. 525-470 B.C. 480-440 B.C.