
[Agora Image] 2004.01.0482 (HAT 61-50)

Ares Temple, triglyph with mason's marks ... 1961


[Agora Image] 2004.01.0485 (HAT 61-66)

Temple of Ares, triglyphs A 64, A 1375 and A 2277 ... 1961


[Agora Object] A 64: Triglyph Block Fragment with Mason's Mark

Corner block with triglyphs on both faces preserved in full dimensions though broken. Inner surfaces rough-picked; top, toothed chisel. Dowel hole and mason's marks very carefully cut (se drawing) on top ... 27 July 1931


[Agora Object] A 169: Architrave Fragment with Mason's Mark: Doric

Fragment with regula with guttae. One side preserved with anathyrosis; top rough-picked to within 0.035m. from edge. Fragmentary evidence of a mason's mark (probably letters) on top surface. Evidence ... 5 April 1933