[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 83 ... 2014


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 72, p. 51

Early and Middle Helladic; Introduction. Early and Middle Helladic; Deposits. Well. Hesperia, 7, 1938, pp. 335-338 ... Agora 13 51 R 28:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 T 24:1 T 26:2 U 24:2


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 81, p. 60

Well. Early and Middle Helladic; Pottery; The Period of Lerna V; Argive Minyan. Early and Middle Helladic; Pottery; The Period of Lerna V; Grey Minyan. Zygouries, p. 82, fig. 68. Zygouries, p. 106, fig ... Agora 13 60 R 28:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 T 24:1 T 26:2 R 21:4 I 9:2 G-H 11-12 O-Q 16-17


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 84, p. 63

Early and Middle Helladic; Pottery; Class II; Dark Paint on Light Slip. Early and Middle Helladic; Pottery; Class III; Light on Dark. Eutresis, p. 168, fig. 235, 3. Zygouries, p. 132, fig. 126, 12. Asine, ... Agora 13 63 R 28:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 T 26:2 T 24:1