[Agora Deposit] M 19:1: Cistern and Channel

The cistern at 70/ΝΗ and the channel [65/ΞΑ] between chambers 70/ΝΗ and 63/ΞΒ seem to have a uniform dumped filling of first half 2nd c. A.D ... First half of 2nd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] B 20:1: Well

Roman use fill in lowest 6.70m; Byz upper fill (dump). Notebook lists eight fills; subdivisions based on shelf groupings. Subdivisions: .1=Dumped fills 1-2, Byzantine .2=Fill 3 (baskets 18-37) .3=Fill ... 50-150 A.D. to Early Byz.

[Agora Object] P 9694: Jug

Intact. Wide-mouthed jug. Small flat base; rounded body; small vertical rim; single handle. Dull red glaze nearly to bottom. Cf. Agora XXXII, no. 1606 (P 9697). Cistern, layer III. Leica ... 8 April 1937

[Agora Object] P 9697: Jug

Intact. Small flat base; rounded body; straight slightly flaring lip; single handle. Outside covered nearly to bottom with a thin shiny gray to black glaze. Cistern, layer III. Leica, LXI-21 ... 9 April 1937