"Type","Collection","Chronology","Id","Name","UserLevel","Date","Icon","Title" "PublicationPage","Agora","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-18","Agora 29.1, s. 18, p. xviii","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-18::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 029.1/Agora 029.1 018 (xviii).png::1519::2048","Anderson, J.K. 1953. Excavations near Mamousia in Achaia, BSA 48, pp. 154-171; Anderson, 1954. Excavations on the Kophina Ridge, BSA 49, pp. 123-182; Anderson-Stojanovic, V.R. 1993. A Well in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia, Hesperia 62, pp. 257-302; Andreae, B., and B. Conticello. 1987. Skylla und Charybdis: Zur Skylla-Gruppe von Sperlonga, Mainz/Stuttgart; Andreiomenou, A.K. 1973. ᾽Έρευναι καί τυχαῖα εύρήματα ἐν τῆ πόλει καί τῆ ἐπαρχία Χαλκίδος, Δελτ 27, 1927, A' 1973, pp. 170-184; Andreou, I. 1994. Σύνολα ελληνιστικής κεραμικής από τα νεκροταφεία της αρχαίας Λευκάδος, in Γ' Συνάντηση, pp. 196-204; Andronicos, M. 1961. Ἐλληνιστικός τάφος Βεροίας, ΑρχΕφ 1955 [1961], pp. 22-50; Andronicos, M., 1977. Βεργίνα: Οἰ βασιλικοί τάφοι τῆς Μεγάλης Τούμπας, AAA 10, pp. 1-72; Andronicos, M., 1984. Vergina: The Royal Tombs, Athens; Angel, J.L. 1945. Skeletal Material from Attica, Hesperia 14, pp. 279-363; Antiken aus dem Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, Düsseldorf 1969; Antiken aus rheinischen Privatbesitz (Kunst und Altertum am Rhein 48), Köln 1973; Ceramics and Islamic Coins (Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV, i), F.O. Waagé, ed. Princeton 1948; I. Venedikov et al., Apollonia: Les fouilles dans la nécropole d'Apollonia em 1947-1949, Sofia 1963 (in Bulgarian with French summary); Arapogianni, X. 1990. Τάφοι από την αρχαία Αμβροσσο, Δελτ39, 1984, A' 1990, pp. 77-118; Archontidou-Argyri, A. 1990. Ελληνιστική κεραμεική από τη Μυτιλήνη, in B' Συνάντηση, pp. 110-114; Armstrong, J.E., and J.M. Camp II. 1977. Notes on a Water Clock in the Athenian Agora, Hesperia 46, pp. 147-161; Arvanitopoulos, A.S. 1912. Ein thessalischer Gold-und Silberfund, AM 37, pp. 73-118; Arvanitopoulos, 1928. Γραπταί στῆλαι Δημητριάδος-Παγασῶν, Athens; M. Dothan, The Second and Third Seasons of Excavations: 1963, 1965, Soundings in 1967 (Ashdod II-III, 'Atiqot, English Series 9-10, Jerusalem 1971; Atasoy, S. 1974. The Kozakizlar Tumulus in Eskişehir Turkey, AJA 78, pp. 255-263; Aufrère, S. 1987. Collections égyptiennes (Collections des Musées departmentaux de Seine-Maritime 3), Rouen AvP=Altertümer von Pergamon; A. Conze, Stadt und Landschaft: Die Stadt, Berlin 1913; G. Kawerau and T. Wiegand, Die Paläste der Hochburg, Berlin/Leipzig 1930; E. Fabricius and C. Schuchhardt, Die Inschriften von Pergamon, Berlin 1895; E. Boehringer and F. Krauss, Das Temenos für den Herrscherkult, Berlin/Leipzig 1937; O. Ziegenaus and G. de Luca, Das Asklepieion 1: Der südliche Temenosbezirk in hellenistischer und frührömischer Zeit, Berlin 1968; O. Ziegenaus and G. de Luca, Das Asklepieion 2: Der nordliche Temenosbezirk und angrenzende Anlagen in hellenistischer und frührömischer Zeit, berlin 1975; Β' Επιστημονίκη Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική Κεραμεική: Χρονολογικά προβλήματα της ελληνιστικής κεραμεικής, Athens 1990; Babelon, E. 1885. Description historique et chronologique des monnaies de la république romaine vulgairement appelées consulaires I, Paris; Baiey, D.M. 1972. Crowe's Tomb at Benghazi, BSA 67, pp. 1-11; Barag, D. 1972. Two Roman Glass Bottles with Remnants of Oil, IEJ 22, pp. 24-26; I. Hägg and J. M. Fossey, The Hellenistic Necropolis and Later Structures on the Middle Slopes, 1973-1977 (Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine IV; Boreas: Upsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 4:4), Upsala 1980; Barr-Sharrar, B.. 1987. The Hellenistic and Early Imperial Decorative Bust, Mainz; Basch, A. 1972. Analyses of Oil from Two Roman Glass Bottles, IEJ 22, pp. 27-32; Bass, G.EF. 1975. Underwater Survey-1973, TürkArkDerg 22:2, pp. 33-38; Bats, M. 1988. Vaisselle et alimentation à Olbia de Provence (v. 350-v. 50 av. J.-C.): Modèles culturels et catégories céramiques (Révue archéologique de Narbonnaise Supplément 18), Paris; Baur, P.V.C. 1922. Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in Yale University, New Haven; Baziotopoulou-Valavani, E. 1994. Από την ελληνιστική κερμική της αιτωλικής Καλλιπόλεως, in Γ' Συνάντηση, pp. 46-55"