Agora 7, s. 11, p. xAbbreviations and Select Bibliography
The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Agora 1
Agora 2
Agora 3
Agora 4
Agora 5
Agora 6
American Journal of Archaeology
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Antioch-on-the-Orontes, III, The Excavations of 1937-1939, ed. by R. Stillwell, Princeton, London, The Hague, 1941. Lamps, by F. O. Waage, pp. 55-82
Archäologischer Anzeiger
Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς
Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung
Bulletin van de Vereniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving
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Samuel E. Bassett, "The Cave at Vari, VI, The Terracotta Lamps," A.J.A., VII, 1903, pp. 338-349
Paul V. C. Baur, The Lamps, Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, Part III, New Haven and London, 1947
P. V. C. Baur, Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in Yale University, New Haven 1922
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Bulletin de la Société Royale d'Alexandrie d'Archéologie
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
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Arvanitopoulos, A.S. 1912. Ein thessalischer Gold-und Silberfund, AM 37, pp. 73-118
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I. Hägg and J. M. Fossey, The Hellenistic Necropolis and Later Structures on the Middle Slopes, 1973-1977 (Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine IV; Boreas: Upsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 4:4), Upsala 1980
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Baziotopoulou-Valavani, E. 1994. Από την ελληνιστική κερμική της αιτωλικής Καλλιπόλεως, in Γ' Συνάντηση, pp. 46-55
Agora 12.2, s. 74, p. 447Aurigemma, S., Scavi di Spina: La Necropoli di Spina in Valle Trebba, I,2, Rome, 1965, pls. 2a, 32, 62, 65, 101, 116, 130, 132, 140, 149, 152
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 146, 21
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 658, 141
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 147,5
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 659, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 151, 18 and 687
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 660-661
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 151, 22
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 695
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 152-154
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 696
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 152, 26-27
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 715
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 153
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 153, 36 and 687
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, first edition, [ARV¹], Oxford, 1942, p. 73, 27, p. 104, 1, p. 188, 59, p. 601, 628, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 153-154, 41-46
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 154, 48 and 688
Bakalakis, G., Ἀνασκαφή Στρύμης, Salonica, 1967 (University of Salonica, Annual of the Philosophical School, Supplement no. 13
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 153-154 and 174
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 155, 64
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 156, 72
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 157, 90
Balkan Studies, Institute for Balkan Studies, Salonica, III, 1962, pls. VI-VII, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 162, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 167
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 167 middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 3, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 174, 3-4
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 177
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 186 middle
Baur, Paul V.C., Catalogue of the Rebecca Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in the Yale University, New Haven, 1922, p. 105, fig. 34,157, 34,159
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 199
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 212-215 and 689-690
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 4,9
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 233, 1-3
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 6 above and 12, 11
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 233, 19-20,24
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 8
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 234, top
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 10, 1-2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 234, 1-3
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 16, 17
Baur, Paul V.C., Catalogue of the Rebecca Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in the Yale University, New Haven, 1922, p. 222, fig. 100, 430, 434, 110,122,273
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 246-247
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 21, 1 and 1620 below
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 302, 2 bottom
Baur, Paul V.C., Catalogue of the Rebecca Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in the Yale University, New Haven, 1922, p. 228, fig. 103, 377,450
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 348-349
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 23, 7
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 348 middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 24, 8, 14
Baur, Paul V.C., Catalogue of the Rebecca Stoddard Collection of Greek and Italian Vases in the Yale University, New Haven, 1922, p. 234, fig. 104, 378-380,411,453,501
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 349 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 351
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 28, 14
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 377-378, 247-252
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 31, 5
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 382, 1-9
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 35, 19
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 5, 6-9
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 382, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 36 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 400
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 39
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 418-419
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 49, 186
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 419, 2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 51, 210
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 9,-10
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 421
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 52 end and 1622
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 9-11
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 425
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 67, 139 and 69 near end; also 1622
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 9,17
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 427, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 10, 1-3,5
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 434
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 68, 13
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 440
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 69 end
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 13-15
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 442 A 4 above
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 71, 14
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 14,5
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 442, B 1 and B 2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 72, 17
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 17,43
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 443-444
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 73, 25-26
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 21,1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 444θ
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 76, 84
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 23-37
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 445
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 77, 85, 86 and 1554, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp.24-25, 7-10
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 446
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 25-26, 19-25
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 446, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 77-78
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 26,29; 28,3 and middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 446, 4
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 81
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 30
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 450-452
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 85 middle, 21, 24, 25
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 31, 7-8
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 515, 3-6
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 40,19
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 515-516
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 47
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 560, 513
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 49,2
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 566, 615
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 61,13
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 579, 6
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 105 bottom
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 68, 5-6
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 589
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 113, 7
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 76,1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 600, 3
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 116
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 78,12
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 627-628
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 123, 9
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 79
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 655-661
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 127, 30
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 82-83
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 655, 23-31
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 132, middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 87,22
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 655-658, 30, 71, 97-99
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 133, 9
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 90 middle
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 655-658, 107-108, 127-128
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 135, 13
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 94-106
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 656=657, 66-81
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 141, 73
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 99,55
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 657, 104-117
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 144, 23
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, pp. 111-112
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 657, 120
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 152, 1
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 131
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 658, 121-124
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 153-158
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 145,19
Beazley, J. D., Attic Black-figure Vase painters, [ABV], Oxford, 1956, p. 658, 140
Beazley, J. D., Attic Red-figure Vase painters, 2nd edition, [ARV], Oxford, 1963, p. 156, 68 bis