Agora 30, s. 28, p. 9Panathenaic Amphorae
ARV² 183, 12
Addenda 187
ARV² 193
Addenda 189
ARV² 198, 22
Addenda 191
ARV² 227, 8
ARV² 198, 25
Addenda 199
ARV² 571, 72
Addenda 261
ARV² 292, 34
Paralip. 356, 34
Addenda 210
ARV² 604, 55
Prange, Niobidenmaler, p. 196, cat. no. N 71
ARV² 605, 58
Addenda 267
Prange, Niobidenmaler, p. 196, cat. no. N 74, pl. 29
ARV² 1316, 1
ARV² 605, 59
Addenda 362
Prange, Niobidenmaler, p. 196, cat. no. N 75
ARV² 621, 45
Addenda 270
ARV² 317, 15
ARV² 1030, 36
Addenda 317
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 355, cat. no. P 41, p. 31
Addenda 214
ARV² 1107, 2
Glories of the Past: Ancient Art from the Shelby White and Leon Levy Collection, D. von Bothmer, ed. New York 1990, p. 168, cat. no. 121
Paralip. 452, 2
Addenda 329
Oakley and Sinos, Wedding-Athens, figs. 110-111
Reeder, Pandora, pp. 347-349, cat. no. 109
ARV2 408, 1-11
Paralip. 177
Addenda 106
Development, pp. 87-88
ARV² 197-198, 5-19
Paralip. 342
Addend 190-191
Agora 023, pp. 12-17
RecentAcquisitions, A Selection, 1985-1986, Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 43 [1985-1986], New York 1986, p. 9
Robertson , AVP, pp. 64-65, 197-198, 259-261, and 275-295
J.D. Beazley, BSA 19, 1912-1913 [pp. 229-247, pp. 239-241
G.R. Edwards, Hesperia 26, 1957, pp. 320-349
Agora 30, s. 100, p. 81Early Red Figure Pot Painters
Early Red Figure Pot Painters; The Andokides Painter and the Earliest Red Figure
P. Charbonneaux, Archaic Greek Art, New York 1971, p. 312, fig. 357
A. Rumpf, Malerei und Zeichnung [Handbuch der Archäologie 6], Munich 1953, p. 78
Cohen, Attic Bilingual Vases, pp. 227-229
ARV² 1-6
Paralip. 320-321
Addenda 149-150
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 24, cat. no. 33, fig. 95
Cohen, Attic Bilingual Vases, ch. 3
ARV² 3, 1
Paralip. 320, 1
Addenda 149
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 27, cat. no. 37, fig. 109
ARV² 3, 2
Paralip. 320, 2
Denoyelle, Chefs d'oeuvre-Louvre, pp. 92-93, cat. no. 41
J.R. Mertens in The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece and Rome, New York 1987, pp. 30-31, cat. no. 16
ARV2 1617, 2
Paralip. 320, 2 bis
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 32, cat. no. 45, fig. 126
ARV2 4, 13
Addenda 150
Denoyelle, Chefs d'oeuvre-Louvre, pp. 94-94
ABV 256, 21
ARV² 5, 14
ARV² 37, 1
Paralip. 114, 21
L. Hall, AJA 48, 1944, pls. VIII, IX
Paralip. 114, 21 and 321, 14
Addenda 67 and 150
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 42, cat. no. 59, fig. 152
Boardman, ARFV:Archaic, p. 14
B. Cohen, The Literate Potter: A Tradition of incised Signatures of Attic Vases, MetMusJ 26, 1991, pp. 49-95
Development, p. 58, pl. 63:1
Boardman, ARVF: Classical, p. 11
Cohen, Attic Bilingual Vases, pp. 113-117
ABV 146, 21
Paralip. 60, 21
Addenda 41
ABV 145, 13
Paralip. 60, 13
Addenda 40
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 44, cat. no. 61, fig. 147
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 48, cat. no. 70, fig. 159, 160
ABV 144, 7
Paralip. 60, 7
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 48, cat. no. 71, fig. 164, 163
Addenda 39
G.M.A. Richter, Archaic Gravestones of Attica, New York 1961, p. 49, cat. no. 73, fig. 67
ABV 146, 20
Agora 22, s. 15, p. xvKroll, J.H., Revisions in Early Hellenistic Chronology:Numismatic Appendix, AthMitt 89, 1974, pp. 201-203
Küthmann, H., Beiträge zur hellenistisch-römischen Toreutic, Jahreuch des Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 5, 1958, pp. 94-138
J. Bouzek and L. Jansova, Megarian Bowls in Acta Universitatis Carolinae (Kyme I), ed. J. Bouzek, Prague 1974, pp. 13-76
P. Hellström, Labraunda: Swedish Excavations and Researches, II, i, Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass, Lund 1965
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Mc Credie, J.R., Hesperia, Suppl. XI, Fortified Military, Camps in Attica, Princeton 1966
I.R. Metzger, Piraeus-Zisterne, Δελτ 26, A', 1971 [1973], pp. 41-94
I.R. Metzger, Eretria: Fouilles et reserches, II, Die hellenistische Keramik in Eretria, Bern 1969
Murray, A.S., A New Stele from Athens, Journal of Hellenic Studies 22, 1902, pp. 1-4
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Noshy, I., The Arts Ptolemaic Egypt, London 1937
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A. Bonze, Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin 1913
O. Ziegenaus and G. de Luca, Das Asklepieion, Berlin 1968
Pernice, E. and F. Winter, Der hildesheimer Silberfund, Berlin 1901
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Robert, C., Homerische Becher, Berliner Winckelmannsprogramme 50, 1890, pp. 1-96
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Agora 22, s. 24, p. 7Courby, pp. 424-426
Kraus, Zentralmuseum, p. 2
Noshy, The Arts in Ptolemaic Egypt, p. 130
Parlasca, pp. 132-134
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 1-3
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 7
Kraus, Antithetische Böcke, pp. 119-123
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 99, pl. 25:a
Oliver, Persian Export Glass, pp. 9-13, figs. 1-9
Von Saldern, Glass Finds at Gordion, pp. 41-42, figs. 27-29
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 65, pl. 12:a
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, pp. 56-57, fig. 12
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pls. 1, 3-5
Les bols mégariens, p. 14, fig. 10
A. Lansing, A Silver Bottle of the Ptolemaic Period, Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 33, 1938, p. 199, fig. 1
C.F.A. Schaeffer, Les fouilles de Ras Shamra-Ugarit, sixième campagne (printemps 1934), Syria 16, 1935, pp. 152-154, pl. 30:4
Zahn, Makedonischer Schild, makenischer Becher, p. 58
Parlasca, pp. 136-146
L. Kreimer, The Decoration of a New Kingdom Vase, JNES 8, 1949, p. 4, pl. 7
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pp.1-2, pls. 1, 3-5
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, pp. 43-45, pls. 69, 75, now. 50,51
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, p. 38, pl. 64, no. 42
Adriani, pls. 2-4
Tarsus I, no. 183, p. 225, fig. 132
Labraunda II, i, pp. 19-20
Parlasca, p. 154
Hausmann, pp. 19-20
Agora 22, s. 33, p. 16Cistern
Corinth VII, iii, pp. 157-158
Courby, p. 334
Thompson, pp. 455-456
L. Casson and I. Veredikov, Thracian from Bulgaria, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1977, pp. 60-61, no. 39
Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles, p. 297 and note 1
P. E. Corbett, Attic Pottery of the Later Fifth Century, Hesperia 18, 1949, p. 336, under no. 106
Agora 005, p. 8
Pnyx, no. 101
Thompson, p. 456
Pnyx, pp. 85, 90
Corinth VII, iii, pp. 157-161
Agora 23, s. 14, p. xivArchäologischer Anzeiger
Athens Annals of Archaeology
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J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1956
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Metropolitan Museum Studies
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Fondation E. Piot, Monuments et mémoires publiés par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
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P. Müller, Löwen und Mischwesen in der archaischen griechischen Kunst, Zurich 1978
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J. Noble, The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery, New York 1965
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Notable Acquisionts 1975-1979, New York 1979
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Agora 23, s. 106, p. 90Nikosthenes
Six's technique
Antimenes Painter
J. Mertens, AK 22, 1979, pp. 27-30
Beazley, Development, p. 79
ABV 292
Oxford 1966.768
ABV 113, 80
ABV 229
Paralip. 45, 80
Paralip. 108
Karlsruhe 242
ARV (2) 7, 4
Paralip. 321, 4
Tiverios, pl. 47:β, γ
Nikosia C 440
ARV (2) 7, 5
ABV 292-295
Paralip. 127-128
ABV 109, 28
Paralip. 44, 28
Tiverios, pls. 25:γ, 26:α
ARV (2) 6-9
Paralip. 321
B. Cohen, Attic Bilingual Vases and their Painters, New York 1978, pp. 195-239
Callipolitis-Feytmans, Les plats attiques, pp. 376-377
Florence 2 B 11
ARV (2) 54, 8
Würzburg 468
ARV (2) 45, 105
ARV (2) 71, 8
ARV (2) 77, 87
M. Eisman, Attic Kyathoi Painters, diss. University of Pennsylvania 1971, pp. 125-174
G. Sokolov, Antique Art on the Northern Black Sea Coast, Leningrad 1974, p. 26, figs. 5, 6
Mertens, Attic White-Ground, pp. 35-40
Kurtz, Athenian White Lekythoi, pp. 9-12
Leyden PC 63
ABV 266, 1
Paralip. 117, 1
CVA, Leiden 1 [Netherlands 3], pls. 13-16 [107-110]:3
Mertens, AK 22, 1979, pp. 22-37
ABV 266-275
Paralip. 117-121
London, B.M. 1980.11-29
M. B. Moore, Metropolitan Museum Journal 18, 1984, pp. 29-38, esp. pp. 34-38
ABV 293, 7
Paralip. 127, 7
CVA, Castle Ashby [GB 15], pls. 6, 7 [661, 662]:1
Madrid 11008
Mertens, Attic White-Ground, pp. 40-43
ABV 294, 24
ARV (2) 7, 2
Paralip. 321, 2
Philadelphia 5399
ARV (2) 7, 3
Beazley, Development, pp. 79-80
Mertens, AK 22, 1979, p. 34