[Agora Lot] Α 266: Well by Stoa; Pier 3

a) Fragments of household ware, other than lekanai; water pots and cooking pots (all kept). b) and c) lekanai fragments (heavily selected). d) Fragments of roof tiles (selected), well-heads and other huge ... 15 March 1935 ... Α 266 ... Lot Α 266

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2209: LT: Building M-N:25-26: fill over earlier couch

1979: tray dropped; some pottery from various boxes mixed with 2210; not clear whether this box affected Original stratum: LT: area B: fill between walls 26 and 27 from 0.30 to 0.40 below top wall 26 Temp ... NB283 B1 P104