"Collection","Id","Title","Chronology","Icon","Type","UserLevel","Name","Date" "Agora","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-5-64","he Athenian Agora; Volume 5; Pottery of the Roman Period; Chronology;Group J; Middle of 2nd to Early 3rd Century; Well; P. Graindor, Athènes sous Hadrien, Cairo, 1934, pp. 2-8; Martial, XIII, 113, 1; Juvenal, Sat., V, 30-31; Pliny, Nat. Hist., XIV, 57; Horace, Carm., III, 8, 9-12; III, 21, 1-8; III, 14, 16-20; Horace, Carm., I, 14, 7; Theocritus, XIV, 16; VII, 147; C.I.L., XV, 2, 1, no. 4539; Palladius, XI, 14, 4; Dioscurides, Mat., Med., V, 12; Pliny, Nat. Hist., XXIII, 1, 20; Thompson, Coins, no. 1025; Thompson, Coins, no. 282","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-5-64::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 005/Agora 005 064 (50).png::1427::2048","PublicationPage","","Agora 5, s. 64, p. 50","16 March-29 April 1936" "Agora","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-14-140","G. Treu, Ath. Mitt., XIV, 1889, pp. 160-169; P. 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XII, 1967, pp. 95-96","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-15-33::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 015/Agora 015 033 (21).png::1458::2048","PublicationPage","","Agora 15, s. 33, p. 21","" "Agora","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-496","F. Jacoby, FGrHist, no. 257, fr. 36, section IX; E.M. Smallwood, Documents, illustrating the Principates of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian, 1966, p. 7; P. Graindor, Chronologie des archontes athéniens sous l' Empire, 1920, pp. 116-123, no. 82; AthMitt 46, 1921, pp. 106-107; P. Graindor, Athènes sous Hadrien, 1934, pp. 27-29 and also p. 165, note 5; IG II², 2026; J. Kirchner, IG II², 1737 and p. 792; J.H. Oliver, Hesperia 11, 1942, p. 84; J.A. Notopoulos, Hesperia 18, 1949, p. 13; S. Follet, Athènes au IIe et IIIe siècle, 1976, p. 507, cf. pp. 26-29, 298; A.S. Henry, Prescripts, pp. 97-98; M Crosby, Hesperia 26, 1957, pp. 2-9, no. S2; Agora 19, P9; M. 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