
[Corinth Monument] Acrocorinth, North Slope

In 1960, several Late Roman graves were excavated adjacent to the road to Acrocorinth by Henry Robinson ... In 1960, several Late Roman graves were excavated adjacent to the road to


[Corinth Monument] Kraneion Basilica

The Kraneion Basilica resembles the Lechaion Basilica but at a much smaller scale. It lacks an atrium but does have a baptistery on its north side. It is a cemetery church with ample evidence of vaulted ... cist graves over a large ... the graves indicate that


[Corinth Monument] North Cemetery

The north cemetery is actually part of a much larger funerary area which extends along the plain below the lower terrace on which Corinth stands. Excavations in 1915 to 1918 and 1928 to 1930 revealed ... 1930 revealed 530 graves ... graves. The remainder are ... period. Later graves respected


[Corinth Monument] Kraneion

This ancient suburb of Corinth lay to the east of the city near the line of the city wall. Here Pausanias saw the tomb of Diogenes the Cynic of Sinope. Nearby, the grave of the famous courtesan Lais was ... Nearby, the grave of the famous ... several graves dating to the


[Corinth Monument] Aghioi Theodoroi

A village to the east of the Isthmus. Northwest of the city of Ag. Theodoroi, in 1961, archaeologists unearthed the ruins of ancient Krommyona. Important discoveries were made like a statue of Apollo, ... lakoeideis graves. According to


[Corinth Monument] Panayia

The Panayia Field, southeast of the Forum, has been the site of excavations started in 1995 by Charles Williams and subsequently continued under the direction of Guy Sanders. Roman are the best preserved; ... features, such as graves, pits,

[Corinth Monument] Irrigation Channel Excavations

An irrigation channel was built to carry water from Lake Stymphalus to the Isthmus of Corinth in the mid 1960’s. In the course of excavating the channel several Roman tombs were found at the edge of the ... 65 individual graves


[Corinth Monument] Gonia

Plateau, 350x250m or 160x410m, 2km north of Examilia. Blegen excavated 23 trenches here for 18 days in August 1916. Houses of all periods of the BA were located. There were no Neolithic architectural ... graves of children and adults