
[Corinth Object] C 1932 74: ATTIC RED-FIGURE KRATER

Large krater with flaring walls, outturned rolled rim. Trace of upper part of handle stumnps below rim on fragment a. Glazed inside with two reserved stripes, on on rim, one below. Exterior decorated in ... 460-450 BCE ... ARV 2, 619, 14; Hesperia VI 1937, p260, no3; Hesperia 1980, p301, no20


[Agora Object] T 1295: Mold for Hermes Figurine

Broken off above the knees. Mold for Hermes figure, facing, wearing short chlamys and pilos, and carrying the caduceus in his left hand; an uncertain object in his right. Hard pink clay. ADDENDA: Hermes ... 4 February 1937 ... BCH 61 (1937), p. 448, fig. 10 ... AgoraPicBk 3 (1959), no. 1 ... Hesperia 7 (1938), p. 352, fig. 37.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 3, s. 95, p. 85

Pliny, Nat. Hist., XXXV, 140. Aristophanes, Lysistrata, 835. Demosthenes, XXXIV, Phormio, 39. Pausanias, I, 22, 3. Judeich, p. 285. Diogenes Laertius, VI, ii, 22. I.G. II (2), 1673, line 20. Judeich, p ... Agora 3 85 I 513 I 562 I 727 I 4165 ... Hesperia, VI, 1937, pp. 339-342 ... Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 52, no. 14 ... Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 21, no. 2


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 3, s. 32, p. 22

Athenian Tribute Lists, III, pp. 294-297. S. Dow, Hesperia, X, 1941, pp. 31ff. I.G. I (2), 844-845. [Aischines], Epist., IV, 3. Hesperia, III, 1934, p. 46, no. 34. I.G. I (2), 115. Andokides, I (De Mysteriis), ... Agora 3 22 I 4310 I 251 I 727 I 590 I 591 I 687 I 945 I 1026 ... 1st A.D ... Agora 3

[Agora Object] P 10720: Ostrakon of Alkibiades Kleiniou Skambonides the Elder

Wall fragment from a plain amphora. Inscribed on the outside: Tholos Trench E, east end, between middle and late drain, layer IV. 1815 Leica, 7-342 ... 3 June 1937 ... Study Collections-Case No. 43-Γ


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 11, s. 132, p. 113

[Plato], Hipparchos, 228 D - 229 A. I.G., I (2), 837. Kirchner, Imagines (2), pl. 5, no. 11. Jeffery, Local Scripts, pp. 75, 78, no. 35. Dow and Kirchner, Ath. Mitt., LXII, 1937, pp. 1-3, pl. 1. J.F. Crome, ... Agora 11 113 ... Agora 11, s. 132, p. 113


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 1, s. 87, p. 73

Hekler, Jahreshefte, XIX-XX, 1919, pp. 232-233. Constantinople, Inv. no. 50. Schede, Griechische und römische Skulpturen des Antikenmuseens )Meisterwerke der türkischen Museen zu Konstantinopel, I), pl ... Agora 1 73 S 749 ... 6 May 1936 ... Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 352 ... Hekler, Jahreshefte, XIX-XX, 1919, p. 228, no. 3 ... Constantinople, Inv. no. 50


[Agora Object] T 1421: Rattle: Bear

Intact rattle in shape of bear walking. Inside, several small pellets. The two hind legs are joined together; the left foreleg is added separately by hand. Details gouged. Mold made lengthwise in two pieces ... 9 April 1937 ... Agora VI, p. 67, pl. 19, no. 791 ... Hesperia 7 (1938), p. 354, fig. 41 ... AJA 41 (1937), p. 188, fig. 18.