
[APC Image] AP 0609

Fragmentary honorary decree ... AP 0603-0619 are inscriptions found by Oscar Broneer in his excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in 1937 ... IG I2 156. Hesperia 7 (1938), pp. 269-270, no. 4.


[APC Image] AP 0562

Fragments of figured pottery ... AP 0511-0596 document excavations of the ASCSA and the Greek Department of Antiquities on the Pnyx in 1936-1937 ... 1936-1937.


[APC Image] AK 1225

Terracotta Lamps from Well M. Upper row, left to right: AL 157, AL 155. Middle row, left to right: AL 159, AL 156. Lower row, left to right: AL 158, AL 154 ... 1937 ... AL 156. Lower row, left to


[APC Image] AK 1176

First three rows: Ostraka of Group E. Inventory numbers. Upper row, left to right: A.O. 35, 27, 101, 10, 120. Second row: A.O. 119, 112, 47, 53, 153. Third row: A.O. 33, 11, 23, 118, 82. Lower ... 1937 ... 119, 112, 47, 53, 153


[APC Image] AK 1178

Ostraka of Group F. Cf. AK 1177 for general commentary on Group F Ostraka. Inventory numbers. Upper row, left to right: A.O. 70, 71, 73, 72, 30, 135, 175. Second row: 181, 139, 179, 141, 142, 140, ... 1937 ... Hesperia 7 (1938), pp. 236-238, fig. 67.


[APC Image] AK 1182

Selected ostraka from Well M. For general commentary on Groups E-F and H-N, cf. AK 1176, 1177 and 1179; for Group M, cf. also AK 1181. Inventory numbers. Upper row, left to right: A.O. 147 (Group B), ... 1937 ... A.O. 147 (Group B), 156, 38,