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Agora 23, s. 74, p. 58Lydos
Skyphoi; Shallow Cup-Skyphos of Special Shape
Skyphoi; Corinthian Type
R. M. Cook, BSA 44, 1949, pp. 155 and 158
Athens 995
ABV 39, 11
Bakir, Sophilos, pls. 55-57
Boardman and Hayes, Tocra, 1963-1965, pp. 57-63
Louvre CA 2988
CVA, Louvre 12 [France 19], pl. 193 [866]
Boardman, Excavations in Chios, 1952-1955: Greek Emporio, London 1967, pp. 119-122
Boardman, Excavations in Chios, 1952-1955: Greek Emporio, London 1967, pp. 156-161
Agora XII, pp. 81-87
R. M. Cook, BSA 44, 1949, pp. 159-160
Richter and Milne, Shapes and Names, pp. 26-28
R. M. Cook, BSA 44, 1949, p. 160
B. Freyer-Schauenburg, JkI 85, 1970, pp. 20-22
E. Brann, Hesperia 30, 1961, p. 357, G 54 and G 55
Ure, Sixth, pp. 57-73
Brann, Agora VIII, pp. 49-50
A. Lezzi-Hafter, Der Schuwalow-Maler, eine Kannenwerkstatt der Parthenonzeit [Kerameus II], Mainz 1976, pp. 35-36
AJA 82, 1978, p. 127
Agora 30, s. 14, p. xivD. Buitron-Oliver, Douris: A Master-Painter of Athenian Red Figure Vases [Kerameus 9], Mainz 1995
L. Burn, The Meidias Painter, Oxford 1987
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Agora 30, s. 56, p. 37Hydriai
ARV² 446, 262
Paralip. 375, 262
Addenda 241
Buitron-Oliver, Douris, p. 78, cat. no. 84, pls. 54-55
Agora 023, p. 35-38
ARV² 556, 101
Paralip. 387, 101
Addenda 258
E. Diehl, Die Hydria: Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Kult des Alterums, Mainz 1964, pp. 61-63
Bothmer, Gnomon 37, 1965, pp. 599-608
Follmann, Pan-Maler, pp. 49-50
J.R. Guy in Image et cèremaique grecque, F. Lissarrague and F. Thelamon, eds., Rouen 1983, pl. opp. p. 153
F. Hamdorf, Pantheon 32, 1974 [pp. 219-224], p. 219
W. Real, Festschrift für Gerhard Kleiner, Tübingen 1976, pp. 33-47
ABV 266, 3
Addenda 69
J. Burow, Der Antimenesmaler [Kerameus 7], Mainz 1989, p. 93, cat. no. 122, pl. 120
Paralip. 349, 77 bis
Addenda 202
ARV² 263, 52
Addenda 205
CVA, Baltimore 1 [USA 28], pl. 28 [1440]:1, 2
ABV 677, 3
Addenda 148
Kanellopoulos, AAA 9, 1976, fast. 2, cover
M.B. Moore and D. von Bothmer in CVA, New York 4 [USA 16], p. 45
F. Brommer, AM 63-64, 1938-1939 [171-176], p. 175
ARV² 188, 66
Addenda 188
ARV² 1155, 6
Addenda 337
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 392, cat. no. DM 7
ARV² 1155, 7
Matheson, Polygnotos, p. 392, cat. no. DM 8
ARV² 30, 2
Addenda 157
ARV² 61, 75
Addenda 165