Agora 22, s. 23, p. 6The Origins of the Athenian Moldmade Bowl
Athenaios, Deipnosophistai v. 199e
Athenaios, Deipnosophistai, xi. 781e
Athenaios, Deipnosophistai, 782b
Pliny, Naturalis Historia xxxiii.55.154-157
Livy, ab urbe condita, xxxvii.59.4-5
Richter, Andient Plaster Casts of Greek Metalware, pp. 369-370
Edgar, The Treasure of Toukh-el-Qarmous, pp. 57-62, pls. 27,28:2
Hausmann, p. 20, pl. 1
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 101, pl. 25:b
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, pl. 31
Les Bols mégariens, pp. 14-15, figs. 11-13, p. 21, fig. 20
Kraus, Zentralmuseum, pp. 18-20, pls. 4,5
Les bols mégariens, p. 20
Thompson, pp. 408-409, figs. 96a, 96b
Pernice and Winter, Der hildesheimer Silbrfund, pp. 28-30, pls 6,7
Les bols mégariens, p. 19
Zahn, Tongeschirr, pp. 413-418
Ragenstecher, Die Gefässe in Stein und Ton, Knochenschnitzereien, pp. 64-65
Les bols mégariens, p. 13-15
Thompson, pp. 455
Agora 22, s. 35, p. 18Les bols mégariens, p. 12
Thompson, p. 351, under C 16
Les bols mégariens, p. 15, figs. 12,13
Les bols mégariens, p. 18, figs. 16
Les bols mégariens, pp. 20-21, figs. 18-20
Antioch IV, figs. 11-13
Thompson E 79
Adriani, pls 1-3
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Les bols hellénistique en verre doré au Corning Museum of Glass, pp. 47-48. figs 3, 4
Thompson, pp. 455-456
Pnyx, p. 90-91
Corinth VII, iii, pp. 152
Hausmann, p. 19
Les bols mégariens, pp. 5-6, 13
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Les bols homériques, pp. 35-36
Metzger, pp. 84-85
Kraus, Zentralmuseum, p. 2
Agora 22, s. 27, p. 10Well
Siebert, Recherches sur les ateliers, pp. 159-180, pp. 181-189
U. Sinn, in Demetrias I, edd. V. Milojčić and D. Theoharis, Bonn 1976, pp. 96, 114-121
Courby, p. 397
Les bols mégariens, p. 7
Délos XXXI, p. 7
Pergamon XI, i, pp. 123-125, pl. 43, no. 158 (Bauphase 8)
Pergamon XI, i, pp. 125-127, 130-131, pl. 45, nos. 192-200 (Bauphase 9)
Tarsus I, p. 163
Byvanck-Quarles van Ufford, Variations sur le théme des bols mégariens, pp. 59-60
Antioch IV, i, pp. 14-15, 30
Samaria III, p. 274
Hama III, ii, p. 24
M.T.M. Moevs, Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, XXXII, The Roman Thin-walled Pottery from Cosa, Rome 1973, p. 21
AJA 66, 1962, pp. 198
AJA 62, 1958, pp. 158-160
AJA 63, 1959, pp. 159
AJA 64, 1960, pp. 133
Zahn, Hellenistische Reliefgefässe, pp. 45-49, nos. 1-3
Pergamon XI, i, no. 261, p. 139, pl. 49
Pergamon XI, i, no. 291, pp. 143-144, pl. 49
Kyme I, MB 72, p. 62, pl. 9
Kyme I, MB 113, p. 71, pl. 13
Kyme I, p. 33, fig. 5
Hama III, ii, no. 172
Antioch IV, fig. 17, nos. 11, 13, 14, p. 30
Labraunda II, i, no. 158, p. 65, pl. 11
Tarsus I, no. 162, p. 223, fig. 130
J.K. Brock, Excavations in Siphnos, BSA 44, 1949, p. 60, no. 9
Agora 22, s. 107, p. 90Well
Courby, p. 389, fig. 81:5
Labraunda II, i, no. 99, p. 61, pl. 9
BSA 44, 1949, p. 60, no. 15, pl. 21:3
Courby, pl. 11:c
Courby, pls. 12:2, 6, 13:19, 20, p. 379, fig. 76:4
Délos XXXI, nos. 1923, 2146, p. 207, pl. 47
Labraunda II, i, nos. 105-107, p. 62, pl. 9
Tarsus I, fig. 130:f
M.B. Hobling, Greek Relief-ware from Sparta, BSA 26, 1923-1925, p. 283, fig. 2:1
Annuaire du Musée Gréco-Romain (Alexandria), 1933/34-1934/35, p. 146, fig. 67:2, p. 148, fig. 69:2
Bruneau, La vaisselle, D 4, D 21, D 22, pp. 241-242, pls. 40, 41
Courby, pls. 12:14, 13:29
Siebert, Recherches sur les ateliers, K 277, K 284, pp. 340-342, pl. 37
Kyme I, MB 22, p. 54, pl. 4, p. 20, fig. 1, p. 46, fig. 8:a
Agora 22, s. 24, p. 7Courby, pp. 424-426
Kraus, Zentralmuseum, p. 2
Noshy, The Arts in Ptolemaic Egypt, p. 130
Parlasca, pp. 132-134
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 1-3
Dèlos XXXI, pp. 7
Kraus, Antithetische Böcke, pp. 119-123
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 99, pl. 25:a
Oliver, Persian Export Glass, pp. 9-13, figs. 1-9
Von Saldern, Glass Finds at Gordion, pp. 41-42, figs. 27-29
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, p. 65, pl. 12:a
Strong, Greek and Roman Gold and Silver Plate, pp. 56-57, fig. 12
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pls. 1, 3-5
Les bols mégariens, p. 14, fig. 10
A. Lansing, A Silver Bottle of the Ptolemaic Period, Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 33, 1938, p. 199, fig. 1
C.F.A. Schaeffer, Les fouilles de Ras Shamra-Ugarit, sixième campagne (printemps 1934), Syria 16, 1935, pp. 152-154, pl. 30:4
Zahn, Makedonischer Schild, makenischer Becher, p. 58
Parlasca, pp. 136-146
L. Kreimer, The Decoration of a New Kingdom Vase, JNES 8, 1949, p. 4, pl. 7
I. Rabinowitz, Aramaic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century B.C.E. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt, JNES 15, 1956, pp.1-2, pls. 1, 3-5
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, pp. 43-45, pls. 69, 75, now. 50,51
I. Rabinowitz, Five Years of Collecting Egyptian Art, 1951-1956, p. 38, pl. 64, no. 42
Adriani, pls. 2-4
Tarsus I, no. 183, p. 225, fig. 132
Labraunda II, i, pp. 19-20
Parlasca, p. 154
Hausmann, pp. 19-20
Agora 12.2, s. 77, p. 450Breccia, E., Catalogue générale des antiquités égyptiennes, musée d' Alexandrie: La Nécropole di Sciatbi, Cairo, 1912, pl. 43, 59, pl. 52, 96-98, pl. 55, 112, pl. 56, 120
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXVI, 1951, p. 273, fig. 77
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., LXIII, 1965, p. 47, fig. 15
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXIX, 1955, p. 253, fig.
Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bervordering der Kennis van de antieke Beschaving, The Hague and 's-Gravenhage, XXXII, 1957, p. 62, fig. 2
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXIII, 1959, pl. 33, p. 719, figs. 16, 16 bis
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXV, 1961, p. 199, fig. 24
Brief Communications of the Institute of Material Culture (Academy NAUK) (Kratkie Sdobshcheniya Moscow-Leningrad, 1939-1958), 1956, pp. 130, fig. 63, 4, 6
Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bervordering der Kennis van de antieke Beschaving, The Hague and 's-Gravenhage, XXXIII, 1958, p. 51, figs. 12-14
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXVI, 1962, p. 360, fig. 42, 10 and p. 361, fig. 47
Bullettino archeologico Napoletano, Naples, 1843-1863, II, 1844, pl. II, 1844, pl. IV, figs. 5-6
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXVIII, 1964, p. 830, fig. 11
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LXXXIX, 1965, p. 780, fig. 4 at right, p. 808, fig. 1, p. 907, fig. 12 at left, p. 959, fig. 20
Buschor, E., Grab eines attischen Mädchens, 1st edition (Grab¹) Munich, 1939, p. 20, fig. 13 left and 2nd edition (Grab²), Munich, 1941, p. 20, fig. 13 left
British Museum. Catalogue of the Bronzes, Greek, Roman and Etruscan, in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, H.B. Walters, London, 1899, p. 48
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, XCI, 1967, p. 767, fig. 7
Bulletin d la société royale d' archéologie d' Alexandrie, Alexandria, 1898-1956, 1930, no. 25, pl. 20, lower right
Buschor, E., Grab eines attischen Mädchens, 1st edition (Grab¹) Munich, 1939, p. 20, fig. 13 right and 2nd edition (Grab²), Munich, 1941, p. 20, fig. 13 right
British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases iii H.B. Walters, London, 1896, pl. 21, 2-3
Buschor, E., Griechische Vasen, Munich, 1940
Buschor, E., Griechische Vasenmalerei, 2nd ed., Munich 1914
British Museum, Catalogue of the Greeks and Roman Lamps, H.B. Walters, London, 1914
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, from 1919
Callipolitis-Feytmans, D., Les Loutéria Attiques, Athens, 1965 (Publications of the Archaeologikon Dltion, no. 6), p. 35, fig. 10
British Museum. A Guide to the Exhibition illustrating Greek and Roman Life, 3rd ed., London, 1929, p. 47, fig. 37
Bulletin of the City Art Museum, St. Louis (Missouri), IX, 1924, p. 28
Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, XV, 1928, pp. 193 and 197
Carapanos, C., Dodone et ses ruines, Paris, 1878, pl. 24, 5 and 5 bis
British Museum, Quarterly, London, XIX, 1954, pl. 26
Caskey, L.D., Geometry of the Greek Vases, Boston, 1922, p. 119, 72, p. 137, 89, p. 138, 90, p. 139, 91, p. 154, 110, pp. 232-233
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXII, 1927, p. 17, fig. 1
Brommer, F., Herakles, Münster, 1953
Brommer, F., Saturspiele, Berlin, 1944, p. 22, fig. 13
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, IV, 1945-1946, p. 250
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, i, 1931, p. 15, fig. 13, p. 16, fig. 15, p. 17, figs. 16, 17, p. 18, fig. 18, p. 21, fig. 21
Brommer, F., Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage, Marburg, 1956
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XV, 1956-1957, p. 165
Bronzegefäɓe und Bronzegeräte der Antike, Sonderliste J, ed. H.A. Chan, Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Basel, March 1968, no. 5, 6, 9-10
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XIX, 1960-1961, pp. 138-139, figs. 7-8, p. 139, fig. 9, p. 152, fig. 1, p. 155, fig. 5
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXI, 1962-1963, p. 163, figs. 15-16, p. 164, fig. 17
Brückner, A., Der Friedhof am Eridanos, Berlin, 1909, p. 120
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, XXIV, 1965-1966, p. 202, fig. 3
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, ii, 1934,
Caskey, L.D., and Beazley J.D., Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Oxford, iii, 1963, pl. 71, 133, pl. 99, 163, pl. 106, 174-175
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., XXXVII, 1939, p. 77
Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Paris, LI, 1927, p. 337, figs. 10-11, nos. 14-15, p. 341, fig. 23, no. 28, p. 342, fig. 24, no. 30
Casson, S. and Brooke, D., Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, II, Cambridge, 1921, pp. 310-313, 68
Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., LXI, 1963, pp. 73-74, figs. 12, 14
Agora 12.2, s. 71, p. 444Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, VI-VII, 1923-1924 (19260, p. 287, fig. 184, 5
The Application of Quantative Methods in Archaeology, R.F. Heizer and S.F. Cook (ed.), Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 28, Chicago, 1960
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1964, cols. 243-244, fig. 10, cols. 435-436, fig. 24, col. 457, fig. 45
Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, VI-VII, 1923-1924 (1926), p. 303, fig. 119, 3
Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, XXXIII-XXXIV, 1955-56, p. 35, fig. 35
Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, XXXVII-XXXVIII, 1959-60, p. 124, fig. 98b
Archaeological Reports, London, Supplement to the Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1955, p. 61 and fig. 14
Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, XXXVII-XXXVIII, 1959-60, p. 228, fig. 201a
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1968, p. 139f
Annuario della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene, Bergamo and Rome, XXXVII-XXXVIII, 1959-60, pp. 281-283
Antichità viva, Florence, IV, no. 3, 1965, p. 41, fig. 16
Archaeological Reports, London, Supplement to the Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1963-1964, p. 36, fig. 2
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., I, 1948, pp. 13-20, 81
Archaeological Reports, London, Supplement to the Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1966-1967, p. 5 (plan), 42, fig. 23
Die Antike, Berlin, 1925-1944, IX, 1933, p. 277, fig. 7
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., V, 1952, p. 118
Archäologischer Zeitung, Berlin, 1843-1845 [A.Z.]
Die Antike, Berlin, 1925-1944, X, 1934, p. 19, fig. 1
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., VII, 1954, p. 179 below
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, I, 1958, pp. 35-36, pls. 17-20
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1910, cols. 219-220, fig. 18
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., X, 1957, p. 192, left right
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., X, 1957, p. 193
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, IV, 1961, pl. 10, 3
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1912, cols. 133-134, no. 8, 329, fig. 10
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, IV, 1961, pl. 12, 1
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, V, 1962, pl. 30
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1913, col. 185, fig. 13, 1, col. 86, fig. 16
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., X, 1957, p. 196
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, IX, 1966, pl. 20, 1
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1914, cols. 235-236, fig. 51
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., X, 1957, p. 197
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, XI, 1968, p. 15, fig. 7, pl. 1, 6,3,4,, 7, 2,3, 8,6
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1917, cols. 59-60, figs. 5-6
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1925, col. 109, fig. 11
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1929, cols. 235-266, figs. 1-22, cols. 239-242, figs. 1-3, cols. 245-246, figs. 6-7
Antike Kunst, Olten, Switzerland, Supplement, I, 1963, p. 10, no. 15 and pl. 3,3, pp. 20-21, no. 43 and pl. 12, p. 21, no. 44 and pl. 11, 4
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1932, cols. 203-204, fig. 10
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., XII, 1959, p. 137, 246, fig. 5
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1933, cols. 17-18
L' Antiquité classique, Brussels, IV, 1935, pl. 36, 2 and 1
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1936, cols. 117-118, fig. 9
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., XIII, 1960, p. 207, 238, fig. 9
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1937, cols. 197-198, figs. 14-15
L' Antiquité classique, Brussels, XXXIV, 1965, pl. XII, below
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1938, col. 556, fig. 8
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., XVIII, 1965, p. 116, fig. 5
Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien, St. Petersburg, 1854 [ABC.], pl. 33, 4, pl. 60
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1940, cols. 5-6, figs. 1-2, cols. 329-330, fig. 12
Archaeology, Cambridge, Mass., XX, 1967, p. 117, fig. 2
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1885, pl. 7, 2
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1942, cols. 215-218, 242, figs. 8-9, 25
Antiquity, A Quarterly Review of Archaeology, Gloucester, XIV, 1940, pp. 148-153
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1948-49, cols. 137, 139, figs. 6, 9
I. Venedikov, T. Ivanov and others, Les fouilles dans la nécropole d' Apollonia en 1947-1949, Sofia, 1963, pls. 60-61, 81, 110, 505-507, p. 129, fig. 54, p. 160, fig. 68, p. 164, fig. 69, p. 165, fig. 70
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1955, cols. 1-26, 13-14, 19-20, 115, figs. 7h, 11, 14-15
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1896, cols. 200-215 and pl. XI, 2
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1912, pl. 6, 2 and p. 109, fig. 2
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1932, Παράρτημα, p. 9, fig. 4
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1962, cols. 609-610, 611-614, 615-618, figs. 14, 15-17, 18-19
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1937, Part 3 (1956), p. 890, fig. 25, p. 891, fig. 26
Archäologischer Anzeiger (part of Jahrbuch), Berlin, 1963, col. 339, fig. 35
Ἀρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς, 1938, p. 26, fig. 29
G 675Bowl Fragment14 May 1956