Ζ-15-43 (pp. 2817-2818)10/ΙΔ; Roman Level
10/ΙΔ; Below Roman
10/ΙΔ; Above Floor of Second Period of Building D; Around Well Head; Layer Above Burning
10/ΙΔ; Burnt Layer Lying on Floor of second Period of Building D
Trial Cut at 15/Η
15/Η; On Strosis I
15/Η; /.../ Deposit
15/Η; In and Below Strosis I
15/Η; Black Earth at Centre of and on Strosis II
In and Below Strosis II
Well Below Strosis II; To Top of Strosis III; Also Beside Early Wall
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Mar 15 1933
May 15 1933
May 16 1933
Roman - Late Helladic
Late Helladic
3rd A.D.
Late 4th B.C.
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