[Corinth Basket] NB512 P15

Deposit 512 15 NB512 P015 Lot XXXX-7079 Fill in drain between Buildings I and II ... 1971/05/10 ... 15 ... Fill in drain between Buildings I and II

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B126 P40

Basket/zembil 83 126 40 House F II, 3rd section I now took the level down in the 3rd sect. another 15 cm (30 in all). Here I found another floor ... 1916/06/29 ... -0.15

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B116 P37

Basket/zembil 83 116 37 House F I, 2nd section The first quarter (the one toward the south) I took down 15 cm. No floor was found. The pottery was rough surface stuff and was not kept. The same was ... 1916/06/27 ... -0.15

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B15 P7

Basket/zembil 83 15 7 Opposite corner of connecting wall and Blegen's L wall [MN: I also had the earth removed from opposite corner.] ... 1916/05/31 ... NB83 B15 P7

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B124 P40

Basket/zembil 83 124 40 House F I, 3rd section I took the 3rd and 4th quarters of (F) house down one level of 15 cm. The pottery was of a rough and nondescript character, therefore I "papsed" it. At this ... 1916/06/29 ... House F I, 3rd section ... I took the 3rd and 4th ... level of 15 cm. The pottery

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B125 P40

Basket/zembil 83 125 40 House F I, 4th section I took the 3rd and 4th quarters of (F) house down one level of 15 cm. The pottery was of a rough and nondescript character, therefore I "papsed" it. At this ... 1916/06/29 ... -0.15

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B31 P217

Basket/zembil 81 31 217 Trench I, J In trench J we are still pursuing the walls which run off to the sides. There is a complex of walls to the west. One wall also crosses to east. [Tzonou-Herbst= same ... 1915/06/04 ... Trench I, J ... walls as in NB81 B15 and

[Corinth Basket] NB143 P27

Deposit 143 27 K-L:8-13 +2.00 to 1.00 m. above floor of West Shops H-T:15-20 (Plan I) 2.00 m. below pier at l:34 (+82.398) ... 1934/04/25;1934/05/07 ... K-L:8-13 +2.00 to 1.00 m. above floor of West Shops H-T:15-20 (Plan I) 2.00