[Agora Deposit] P 7:2: Well at 8/IA-IB

Well at 8/ΙΑ-ΙΒ, beneath the north colonnade of the Square Peristyle, just west of the north end of the Stoa of Attalos. Quite uniform fill. Diameter 1.15m. No P.O.U. Coins: 4 April 1938 #39 ... 650-600 B.C. 5th c. B.C ... Well at 8/ΙΑ-ΙΒ, beneath the north colonnade of the Square Peristyle, just west of

[Agora Deposit] P 21:4: Cistern at 53/NE

Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle of Roman House H (courtyard of Greek House G, just west of andron). Lower diameter 2.73m. Homogenous fill all apparently ... Into early 2nd century B.C ... Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle

[Agora Deposit] I 15:3: Coin Hoard

Pit in SW corner of Heliaia Peristyle (mint). The four Athenian imperial coins (Κ-1641 - Κ-1644) belong to the Athenian Imperial Group III, a series that can be very closely dated to the middle of the ... Mid 3rd c. A.D ... Pit in SW corner of Heliaia Peristyle (mint). The four Athenian imperial coins