
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 159, spread 72 (pp. 317 - 318)

317 318 Pg. 317, Area 6, 19/5/1936 (cont/), MF 5461, Flat stone disk with hole in the center Pg. 318, Bothros, 19/5/1936 (cont/), C 1936 82, Fragments of a plate of damascus Ware Pg. 318, Bothros, 19/5/1936 ... 19/5/1936 (cont/) ... Pg. 318, Bothros, 19/5/1936 (cont/), C 1936 118, Sherd of Rhodian Ware ... Ware


[Agora Notebook Page] ΝΝ-40-74 (pp. 7938-7939)

Mug: Brittle Ware. Vessel Fragment. Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian ... ΝΝ-40 7938, 7939 P 22677 P 12037 P 22678 P 14678 ΝΝ 5062 SS 11648 Lot ΝΝ 398 Lot ΝΝ 397 P 22678 SS 11648 ... July 1946 ... Mug: Brittle Ware ... Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian


[Agora Notebook Page] Υ-2-14 (pp. 218-219)

Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian. Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian. Bowl Fragments: Çandarli Ware. Bowl Fragment: Gray Ware ... Υ-2 218, 219 SS 6903 SS 6904 P 9058 P 9059 Lot Υ 16 SS 6903 SS 6904 P 9058 P 9059 ... 26 Feb 1937 ... Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian ... Bowl Fragments: Çandarli Ware ... Bowl Fragment: Gray Ware