[Corinth Lot] LOT 4482: L: Building M-N:25-26, room 3, cistern, bottom fill

Mended 1972 Original stratum: LT: Area B, manhole 1, layers 4, 4A, 5, -3,67 to 3,95 Temp Lot Number: 519 ... L: Building M-N:25-26, room 3, cistern, bottom fill

[Corinth Lot] LOT 6220: LT: Building K-L:21-22, Room 7, phase 2: early floor

Cf. lot 6219 Original stratum: LT: Building W, Room 1, clay orthostate floor ... NB467 B26 P29

[Agora Lot] Ζ 392: Tholos Trench L; Area of Early Road Drain; Pit Below Layer 11

1958: Granary skyphos; no compass drown concentric circles. Not earlier than U 26:4, earlier than J 14:2 ... Protogeometric/Submycenaean ... Tholos Trench L; Area of Early Road Drain; Pit Below Layer 11

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2076: LT: Building N-O:25-26, removal of floor 1

Original stratum: LT: Room J: clay layer from top of wall 30 to -0.05 below it, i.e. to top of red layer Temp Lot Number: 163 ... LT: Building N-O:25-26, removal of floor 1

[Agora Lot] ΞΞ 12: Between House L and Drain; Layer I; Brown Sullan Destruction Fill

Sigillata; rilled-rim fragments; early Roman lamp fragments XXV; brown stucco; red and white ... 4th - 1st B.C ... Between House L and Drain; Layer I; Brown Sullan Destruction Fill

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2157: LT: diagonal test trench, surface layer

Diagonal test trench beginning ca. just north of Building M-N:20-26, Room 4, cutting actross the northeast corner of building K-L:21-22, and ending. Ca. in grid H:21 Original stratum: LT: Cut 16:1964: ... Building M-N:20-26, Room 4, ... corner of building K-L

[Corinth Lot] LOT 4436: LT: Building M-N:25-26, phase 1, west room, fill over bedrock north of south couch

Original stratum: Area B: cut 7:1965: north of wall 77, layer 18, -1.16 to -1.27 m. (bedrock) Temp Lot Number: 474 ... LT: Building M-N:25-26, phase 1, west room, fill over bedrock north of south couch

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2110: LT: Building N-O:24-25, dumped pottery fill overlying building

1982: mended with other lots from building; joins: 2094, 2098, 2140, 2141, 2144; in lot are non-joining frgts. Of same vessels pulled from lots 2142, 2144, 2244, 1972-207 Original stratum: LT: Room L, ... NB574 B14 P26