[Corinth Coin] 2005 94: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin (400 BC - 31 BC)

AE incrusted bulged trace of type trace of type Panaghia West 968.16N 404.60E 91.47EL. Fill in trench above wall no., NB971 B47 P101, ... 400 BC - 31 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 95: Greek Imperial/Roman Provincial Copper/Bronze Coin of L. Caninus Agrippa, Corinth Duoviri Mint (AD 68 - AD 69)

Corinth Duoviri ... L. Caninus Agrippa ... AE [SVL Gal-CAE…] Galba head r., bare [L CAN AGRIPPAE IIV…] Tetra style temple (on podium) C. in ex. COR. AS E 412,18 N 972,34 H 91,94, NB976 B1 P2, . Am. XXIV 58-70 ... AD 68 - AD 69

[Corinth Coin] 2005 96: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint (400 BC - 146 BC)

Corinth ... AE Pegasos flg. l. Trident; unc. controls From sieve, well 2002-02, NB972 B8 P23, . Ed. II ... 400 BC - 146 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 98: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint (400 BC - 146 BC)

Corinth ... AE Trace: Pegasos fl. C Trident; unc. Controls 964.89N / 412.83E / 91.58, NB974 B17 P46, . 964.89N / 412.83E / 91.58, NB974 B17 P48, . Ed. 11 ... 400 BC - 146 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 99: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint (248 BC - 243 BC)

Corinth ... AE Apollo head r., laur. Zeus* r., naked, holding transverse septer w/ fillets and thunderbolt 968.21N / 413.14E / 91.31, lens at south face of ashlar blocks, NB974 B19 P50, . Nice piece, thick fabric, ... 248 BC - 243 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 101: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Corinth Mint (400 BC - 146 BC)

Corinth ... AE Pegasos flg. l. [Qoppa] Trident; on l., trace of control Panaghia West 965.11N/402.35E Redeposited fill between W260 and W___ 91.54El., NB971 B56 P119, ... 400 BC - 146 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 102: Greek Copper/Bronze Coin, Sikyon Mint (330 BC - 150 BC)

Sikyon ... AE ca. 330 - 160/150 BC; nice rev.; incrusted. Dove flg. l. Sigma I (small letters) inside wreath tying r. Panaghia West 966.97N/404.49E Redeposited fill between W260 and W___ 91.44El., NB971 B56 P119, ... 330 BC - 150 BC

[Corinth Coin] 2005 103: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 346 - AD 361)

AE Bust r., draped (cuirrass) ]CONSTAN[ Falling Horseman (type 3?) [FEL TEMP RE]-PARATIO 960.70N / 410.53E / 91.51, NB974 B10 P32, . Chipped ... AD 346 - AD 361