 Drawshaft, "Kybele Cistern"9-22 May 1935 1 June 1935Upper fill, Late Roman with some Hellenistic. Middle fill, Sullan debris to last quarter of 1st c. B.C. Lower fill, 4th-3rd c. B.C.=POU and abandonment 
 Cistern9 May-1 June 1935Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.-86 B.C. 
 Fill of Early West Branch of Great Drain=Middle Drain13-17 April 1937 29 May-15 June 1937 23-26 May 1938150-100 B.C. 
 Investigations in the area of the Tholos various levels and dates 
Burned Deposit22 May 1940Ca. 325-300 B.C. 
 Fill B. Late 4th c. A.D. 
 28 April-5 May 1937 7 April-6 May 1938, 20 April to 15 June 1938, 5 May-22 June 19392nd c. A.D.- Byzantine 
 Well29 May-13 June 1936 5-25 May 1937Late 1st. c.-4th. c. A.D. (and 5th c. A.D.?)