[Corinth Basket] Forum southwest, Building IV , closely packed stone fill within sun: Building IV , closely packed stone fill within sun

Deposit Lot 1978-044 Building IV , closely packed stone fill within sunken area, in part comprising destruction debris within building ... 1978/05/24;1978/06/09

[Corinth Basket] Forum southwest, Closely packed stone fill within sunken area of Bu: Closely packed stone fill within sunken area of Bu

Deposit Lot 1978-044 Closely packed stone fill within sunken area of Building IV, in part comprising its destruction debris ... 1978/05/24;1978/06/09

[Corinth Basket] Forum southwest, Fill directly below poros chip layer which perhaps: Fill directly below poros chip layer which perhaps

Deposit Lot 1978-038 Fill directly below poros chip layer which perhaps associated with construction fill for South Stoa ... 1978/04/20;1978/04/21

[Corinth Basket] Forum southwest, Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second: Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second

Deposit Lot 1978-093 Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second poros floor ... 1978/05/09;1978/06/16

[Corinth Basket] N/A

Deposit Lot XXXX-4495 Inventory Building N:21 removal of clay floor and underlying fill se S 24503.025 ... 1964/11/16