"Name","Icon","Title","Chronology","Date","Id","Type","UserLevel","Collection" "PD 2464 (DA 3897)","Agora:Drawing:DA 3897::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/03000-03999/DA 3897.jpg::0::0","Restored plan of Agora up to the Acropolis at end of the 4th century B.C.","","1980","Agora:Drawing:DA 3897","Drawing","","Agora" "PD 2464 (DA 3900)","","Restored plan of Agora up to the Acropolis at end of the 4th century B.C.","","1980","Agora:Drawing:DA 3900","Drawing","","Agora" "PD 2464 (DA 3901)","","Restored plan of Agora up to the Acropolis at end of the 4th century B.C.","","1980","Agora:Drawing:DA 3901","Drawing","","Agora" "PD 2603 (DA 3877)","Agora:Drawing:DA 3877::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/03000-03999/DA 3877.jpg::0::0","Restored plan of Agora up to the Acropolis at end of the 5th century B.C.","5th century B.C.","1987","Agora:Drawing:DA 3877","Drawing","","Agora"