"Date","Id","UserLevel","Title","Collection","Type","Name","Icon","Chronology" "23 April 1937","Agora:Object:P 10022","","Miniature Amphora: West Slope","Agora","Object","P 10022","","" "9 June 1936; 9-23 April 1937","Agora:Deposit:A 14:1","","Early Roman Well","Agora","Deposit","A 14:1","Agora:Image:2008.03.0325::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0325.tif::3567::4080","Early Roman; use fillings of 2nd. c. B.C. and 1st. and 4th. c. A.D.; dumped filling of late 4th. c. (HSR); Fill I: 2nd. c. B.C.; Fill II-V: to second half of 4th. c. A.D.; Fill VI: mixed to Byzantine."