"Chronology","UserLevel","Type","Title","Name","Collection","Id" "","","Image","Fragments of sculpture group: nude boy, S 828 c (body) and S 830 (head), arm on tree stump, S 828 b, and female head, S 828 a.","2010.01.0191","Agora","Agora:Image:2010.01.0191" "","","Image","Plan and section of Cistern System D at 84/ΝΣΤ (Deposit N 19:1) and 79/ΜΗ (Deposit N 18:1).","2012.50.1217 (XIII-8)","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.50.1217" "","","Image","Plan and section of Cistern System D at 84/ΝΣΤ (Deposit N 19:1) and 79/ΜΗ (Deposit N 18:1).","1997.17.0299 (XIII-8)","Agora","Agora:Image:1997.17.0299"