 Red Fill East of Road Where Stones from Wall D Had Been Taken out; 6th-5th c. Building Fill; Disturbed28 February-2 March 1935  
 Red Sandy Fill over Road Layer III4 March 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill; Red over Road12 March 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill; Red over Road12 March 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill over Road and East23 March 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill, Green over Road3-5 April 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill over Road, Red and Green4 April 19356th-5th c. B.C. 
 Building Fill over Road and Northeast23 March 19356th-5th c. B.C.