2012.34.0299 (Section Ζ 68)Northwest corner looking north showing late walls on "monument" north of stoa. Building A.  
2012.34.0300 (Section Ζ 69)Northwest area looking north, after removal of later walls on "monument" south of stoa (Building A).  
2012.34.0301 (Section Ζ 70)Great Drain at 18/Ε. Looking northeast.  
2012.34.0302 (Section Ζ 71)Late tile floors and walls in open area south of Building B. Looking south.  
2012.34.0303 (Section Ζ 72)Late tile floors and walls in open area south of Building B. Looking north.  
2012.34.0304 (Section Ζ 73)Well head at 7/ΙΓ showing stone used for cover. In foreground, floor of building uncovered in section Δ in 1932 (semicircular cut indicates Byzantine pithos). Looking northeast.  
2012.34.0305 (Section Ζ 74)Well head at 7/ΙΓ showing adjacent floor. Looking southeast.  
2012.34.0306 (Section Ζ 75)Stratification above floor beside well head at 7/ΙΓ. At bottom the burnt level can be made out, above which (not clearly demarcated) late Hellenistic, then Roman at top.