[Agora Object] SS 13647: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Cutting strosis to working floor and over water channel. Πα̣ιδίω̣[ν] Θευδω̣[ρίδα] (Ε lunate, Ω cursive) Leica ... 3 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13648: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Retrograde. Cutting strosis to working floor and over water channel. [Μά]ρ̣ω̣(νος) [Κ]ν̣ι( [Κα]λ̣λί(στου) (retr, Ω cursive) Leica ... 3 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13649: Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian

Ivy leaf. Cutting strosis to working floor and over water channel. Ἐπ̣ὶ̣ Ἀ̣ριστ ωνίδα ivy leaf Leica ... 3 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13703: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Retrograde. Cutting strosis to working floor. ασύλλ(ου) (π)που Θρ (retr) ἐ̣π̣ὶ Φιλί (Σ lunate, Ρ inverted) Leica ... 11 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13704: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Trident. Cutting through strosis to working floor. [ Ἰάσονος Κνι(] ἐπὶ Ἀρι̣σ̣τ̣άρ χου trident r. (Σ lunate, Α broken-barred) Leica ... 11 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13705: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Long part of handle and part of rim preserved. Retrograde. Cutting strosis to working floor; Middle Stoa Building Fill. Θράσων̣ (retr) νάτος Κνι Θ̣[εμιστ]ω̣ (Ν retr, Ε,Σ lunate, Ω cursive) Leica ... 11 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13706: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Part of rim preserved. Device. Cutting strosis to working floor. Ἐπὶ Πο̣λ̣[ίτα] Θευδω̣[ρί(δα) device] (Ε lunate, Ω cursive, framed) Leica ... 11 May 1954

[Agora Object] SS 13707: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Cutting strosis to working floor. Μά[ρω(ν)] Κ̣ν̣ι̣( Ἀ̣ρτ̣[ε(] (Ε,Ν,Ρ retr) Leica ... 11 May 1954