Hesperia 39 (1970)Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens1970 
Stoa Poikile   
PD 1181 (DA 2062)Stoa Poikile: cross-section (1:1) and plan (1:2) of geison block.1961 
1997.01.0241 (83-118)Reconstructed geison, plan (1:2) and section (1:1).1961 
2012.56.0835 (83-118)Reconstructed geison, plan (1:2) and section (1:1).1961 
2002.01.1181Stoa Poikile: section (1:1) and plan (1:2) of geison block.1961 
1997.01.0254 (Leica A 1710 Leica A 1714 Leica A 1715 Leica A 1716 Leica A 1717 Leica A 1718)Epikranitis fragment (A 1710), epistyle backer crowns (A 1714-1716), fragment of crowning with cyma reversa (A 1717) and geison fragment (A 1718) found in the Long Late Roman Wall, east side of the Agora.  
A 1718