[Agora Deposit] E 2:3: Foundry Pit

"Foundry Pit": N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Stoa, Layer VII, with slag). A foundry pit in the courtyard of a small metalworking establishment outside the Agora to the northwest. Both the courtyard and ... Ca. 375-350 B.C.


[Agora Image] 2000.01.0261 (Leica P 16299)

Red figure skyphos fragment ... Horizontal (normal) ... 1997

[Agora Object] Agora XXX, no. 1300

Fragment of outturned rim and wall. Max. dim. 0.091. Youth (upper half) to right, wrapped in a himation. Behind him are a spiral and part of a palmette from the handle configuration ... Second quarter of the 4th century B.C.