"Chronology","Icon","Name","Collection","Type","Title","Id","UserLevel","Date" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-14::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 014 (xiv).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 14, p. xiv","Agora","PublicationPage","A. Blanco, Madrid, Museo Nacioinal de Pintura e Escultura, Catalogo de la Escultura, Madrid, 1957; Blümel, C., Greek Sculptors at Work, London, 1955; Blümel, C., Griechische Bildhauerarbeit (Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft XI), Berlin and Leipzig, 1927; Blümel, C., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Katalog der Sammlung antiker Skulpturen; Blümel, C., Katalog II, 1, Griechische Skulpturen des sechsten und fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr., 1940; Blümel, C., III, Katalog der griechischen Skulpturen des fünften und vierten Jahrhunderts v. Chr., 1928; Blümel, C., Katalog IV, Römische Kopien griechischer Skulpturen des fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr., 1931; Blümel, C., Katalog V, Römische Kopien griechischer Skulpturen des vierten Jahrhunderts, 1938; Blümel, C., Katalog VI, Römische Bildnisse, 1933; Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Bollettino d'arte; Bousquet, J., ""Connais-toi toi-meme"" in ""Inscriptions de Delphes,"" B.C.H., LXXX, 1956, pp. 565-579; Brants, J.P., Description of the Ancient Sculpture Preserved in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the Museum of Archaeology of Leiden, The Hague, 1927-1930; British Museum, Catalogue of Sculpure in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the British Museum, v. I, part 1, Prehellenic and Early Greek, by F. N. Pryce, London, 1928; A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, by A. H. Smith, v. III, London, 1904; British Museum, A Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, London, 1812-1861; Brommer, F., Herakles, Münster/Köln, 1953; Brommer, F., Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage, 2nd ed., Marburg/Lahn, 1960; Brown, Norman, Hermes the Thief, Madison, Wisconsin, 1947; Brückner, A., Der Friedhof am Eridanos bei der Hagia Triada zu Athen, Berlin, 1909; H. Brunn, F. Bruckmann, P. Arndt and G. Lippold, Denkmäler griechischer und römischer Skulptur, Munich, 1888; Annual of the British School at Athens; ullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma; H. Bulle, Archaisierende griechische Rundplastik (Munich, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, philos, philol., und hist. Klasse, Abhandlungen, v. 30 (2), 1918; Buschor, Ernst., Altsamische Standbilder, 5 v., Berlin, 1934-1961; Buschor, Ernst., ""Burglöwen,"" Ath. Mitt., XLVII, 1922, pp. 92-105; Buschor, Ernst., Grössenverhältnisse attischer Porosgiebel, Athens 1924; Buschor, Ernst., ""Mitteilungen aus dem Kerameikos, III, Ein Kopf vom Dipylon,"" Ath. Mitt., LII, 1927, pp. 205-212; L. D. Caskey, Catalogue of Greek and Roman Sculpture, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Cambridge, Mass., 1925; Casson, S., The Technique of Early Greek Sculpture, Oxford, 1933; Clara Rhodos; Classical Journal; Classical Quarterly; A. Conze, Die attischen Grabreliefs, 4 v., in 6, Berlin, 1893-1922; Conze, A., ""Hermes Propylaios,"" Siztungsberichte der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1904, pp. 69-71; De la Coste Messelière, P. and Miré, G., Delphes, Paris, 1943; La critica d'arte, rivista di arti figurative; Crome, J. F., ""Hipparcheioi Hermai,"" Ath. Mitt., LX-LXI, 1935-36, pp. 300-313; Crome, J. F., Die Skulpturen des Asklepiostempels von Epidauros, Berlin, 1951; Curtius, L., Zeus und Hermies: Studien zur Geschichte ihres Ideals und seiner Überlieferung (Röm. Mitt., Ergänzungsheft, 1), Munich, 1931; Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-14","","" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-72::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 072 (53).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 72, p. 53","Agora","PublicationPage","A. Brett, The American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes, IV, 1950, pl. 11, 5-6; Lacroix, Les reproductions de statues sur les monaies grecques, pl. 8, 5; A. Brett, The American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes, IV, 1950, pl. 12, 14; Lacroix, Les reproductions de statues sur les monaies grecques, pl. 8, 8; Kraus, Hekate, pl. 2, 2; Kraus, Hekate, pl. 23, 1; Salonike Museum, no. 228; Kraus, Hekate, pp. 95ff., 113ff.; Schmidt, p. 49; B.M. slab 524; Kenner, Der Fries des Tempels von Bassae-Phigaleia, Vienna, 1946, pl. 5; Athens, N.M. 2756; Svoronos, pl. 181; I.G., II (2), 4548; Hausmann, Griechische Weihreliefs, p. 64, fig. 33; Schmidt, pl. 24, 1, 3; Kraus, Hekate, pl. 3, 2; J. Fink and H. Weber; Beiträge zur Trachtgeschichte Griechenlands, Würzburg-Aumühle, 1938, p. 122, note 29, p. 143; Hesperia, XXVIII, 1959, p. 134","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-72","","" "Latter part of 6th B.C.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-67::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 067 (48).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 67, p. 48","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 143; Fragment of a Palmette Finial Carved on Both Sides; Richter, Gravestones (2), no. 56, figs. 142-143; Schrader, no. 377, pls. 169-170; Payne, p. 51, pl. 131, 3; Schuchhardt, in Schrader, p. 263; Richter, Gravestones (2), no. 54, fig. 137; L. H. Jeffery, B.S.A., LVII, 1962, p. 131; Richter, Gravestones (2), no. 57, fig. 139; Charbonneaux, Mon. Piot, XXXVII, 1940, pp. 46ff.; Bakalakis, Ελληνικά Αμφίγλυφα, Thessalonica, 1946, pp. 45-50; N.M. 796; Bakalakis, Ελληνικά Αμφίγλυφα, Thessalonica, 1946, p. 50, no. 7; Sybel 2244; Conze, I, no. 27, pl. 14, 5","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-67","","1949" "500-490 B.C.; 1st half of 6th B.C.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-39::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 039 (20).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 39, p. 20","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 589; Acropolis 677; Head of Kore; Cistern; Neck and Hair of Kore; T. L. Shear, Hesperia, VIII, 1939, pp. 235-236, fig. 34; Arch. Anz., 1938, cols. 550-551, col. 560, fig. 10; Thompson, Agora Guide (2), p. 157; Acropolis 593; Schrader, p. 43; Payne, pl. 19; Schrader, pl. 34; Buschor, Altsamische Standbilder, II, figs. 80-83; Payne, pl. 12; Schrader, pl. 2; P. Amandry, Delphes, II, La colonne des Naxiens et le portique des Athéniens, pp. 29-30; Payne, pl. 116; Schrader, pl. 85","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-39","","1938; 1949" "490-475 B.C.; Late 6th-Early 5th B.C.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-43::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 043 (24).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 43, p. 24","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 618; Fragment of Left Foot and Drapery of Striding Female Figure; Seated Statuette; Payne, pl. 117, 1; Schrader, pp. 111-112, no. 61, pls. 86-87","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-43","","1931; 1946" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-27::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 027 (8).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 27, p. 8","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 683; Acropolis 674; Payne, p. 31, note 2; Raubitschek, Dedications, p. 482; Schrader, p. 83; B.S.A., XL, 1939-40, p. 24, no. V; Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, p. 170; Archaic Greek Art, p. 145; Kouroi (2), p. 127; Kouroi (2), p. 24; Raubitschek, Dedications","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-27","","" "550-540 B.C.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-35::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 035 (16).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 35, p. 16","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 701; Hip section of a Kouros; Schrader, pl. 184; Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 297-299; Mylonas, Πρωτοαττικός Αμφορεύς, pls. 1, 5, 7, 12; B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-5, pl. 56, b","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-35","","1950" "4th quarter of 6th B.C.; Late Archaic","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-44::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 044 (25).png::1461::2048","Agora 11, s. 44, p. 25","Agora","PublicationPage","Acropolis 3512; Torso of Female Statuette in Chiton; Lower Part of Female Statuette; Schrader, p. 124, no. 78, figs. 84 a-b; B.C.H., LXXIX, 1955, pp. 379-406; Acropolis 670; Payne, pl. 65; Schrader, pls. 14-15; Kerameikos Inv. P 270; Acropolis 581; Payne, pl. 126; Schrader, pl. 175","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-44","","1938; 1948"