[Agora Deposit] S 19:3: Cistern at 17-18/ΛΑ

Cistern at 17-18/ΛΑ (Coroplasts' Dump) outside the market square to the southeast, west of the Panathenaic Way. Upper and lower fill distinguished during excavation, but material from both appears to ... To ca. 330-320 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] S 19:5: Pit at 18-20/Λ-ΛΓ

Pit at 18-20/Λ-ΛΓ. The cistern S 19:3 and the well S 19:8, together with a Roman well, S 19:1, had collapsed to form a large pit S 19:5. The upper part of the pit was dug to a depth of ca. -8m as deposit ... 7-8 April 1938 28 April-26 May 1938

[Agora Deposit] S 19:8: Well at 19/Λ

Well at 19/Λ. The bottom of this well contained a considerable quantity of dug bedrock which had fallen in before the well came into use; over this was a fill with oinochoae representing the POU. The presence ... 340-325 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] S 21:1: Well at 35/ΙΘ

A well outside the market square to the southeast, 20m west of the Panathenaic Way; Modern fill in upper 1.65m. with Early Roman dumped fillings below. Coins: 9 May 1939 #37 (dirt pile) 10 May 1939 #53 ... Late 1st c. B.C.-early 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] T 17:3: Channel J

Channel J (in ΗΗ) Cutting that probably originally held a drain. Packed with amphoras and other coarse pottery. It tapped the poros aqueduct wall just East of our explanatory trench at the East end of ... 1st c. B.C. - early 1st. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] T 26:7: Filling in Overflow Channel

Klepsydra: Filling in overflow channel = Channel A, North of Paved Bldg. (was T 26-27:1) Three layers, all containing a mixture of early material (LHIIIC and Protogeometric) with late Hellenistic and early ... Mid 1st. c. A.D. with later intrusions

[Agora Deposit] T 27:1: Fill in Antechamber

Klepsydra: Filling in antechamber, behind the parapet of the Klepsydra. Dated to the time of the rebuilding of the springhouse after the Sullan sack, but containing earlier material. Coins: 31 May 1938 ... Second quarter of 5th c. to middle of 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] U 22:1

Well C - Passage, belongs with II - Brick Shaft. All dumped fills. No objects catalogued from Well C of section ΟΑ. One object (I 5422) catalogued from modern fill in shaft, one from dump (I 5545). Coins: ... 2nd c. A.D.- Byzantine

[Agora Deposit] U 22:5: Trial Cut

Trial cut at 26/ΙΣΤ-ΙΖ, Layer I; Circular Building, 22m south of Eleusinion. P 30171, P 30172, L 5818 added on 7 May 1973 ... 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] U 26:1: Oinochoe Deposit

Washed-in filling at the base of the Acropolis cliffs, some 7m. east of the Klepsydra; the fill was characterized by teh fragments of a series of red-figured oinochoai of special shape, of the late 5th ... Late 3rd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 5:2: Drawshaft

Cistern system, 88/ΝΓ (shaft and passages). Apparently a dumped filling of Roman times, drawn mostly from some Hellenistic deposit. Coins: 31 March 1937 #1-#5 1 April 1937 #4-#5 3 April 1937 #1-#2 5 April ... Hellenistic and Roman, 4th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:1: Well

Well-shaft abandoned before use because of crumbling of rock. From top to 15.00m. a dumped fill predominantly early Roman but containing material of late 1st c. B.C. to mid-1st c. A.D. A rock filled shaft ... 1st c. B.C. to mid-1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:2: Drawshaft

Drawshaft of a complex cistern system with two chambers (D 11:4, E 11:1), two more drawshafts (D 11:3, D 12:2), and two blind tunnels, all of which were filled later than D 11;2. Coins: 26 March 1936 #1 ... 300-215 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:3: Drawshaft

Shaft fill, not mouth fill, of drawshaft at 42/Θ. This is part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. Thirteen stamped amphora handles; fragments of Arretine pottery; over half of bowls long-petal ... 1st c. B.C.-early 1st c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:4: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. Objects with context as "cistern 44ΙΓ, mouth of 46/ΙΑ" are listed with D 12:2. The following objects are from "earth", i.e. no context layer: SS 5334, ... Late Hellenistic-Early Roman

[Agora Deposit] D 11:8: Cistern C

Cistern C (pit) in West Room of late Roman House. Mixed dump of material, with a little Classical, much Roman dating at least as late as 3rd century A.D., and large amount of late Hellenistic. Coins: 1 ... Late Hellenistic and Roman

[Agora Deposit] D 12:2: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. The filling of the 46/ΙΑ cistern shaft, with the exception of a little Roman at the top, was the same as the bottom fill of 44/ΙΓ - late Hellenistic, running ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 15:3: Cistern

A small flask-shaped cistern on the lower southeast slope of Kolonos Agoraios. Lined with hydraulic cement and containing a large quantity of glazed table ware and a fair amount of coarse ware; a homogeneous ... 350-325 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 15:4: Pit

Lower filling mostly of second half of 4th c. B. C. and earlier, but perhaps dumped in 3rd c. B.C. Upper filling mixed to Roman (4th c. A.D.). Pottery in container (9-22-58) is mostly second half of 4th ... Ca. 375-325 B.C. with late-3rd-century disturbance

[Agora Deposit] D 16:1: Cistern A

Cistern (diameter 0.90m) with two channels; the fill of the cistern proper, below the scant upper (Byzantine) deposit, appears to have been dumped all at the same time, to 325-275 B.C. Notebook says "all ... 325-275 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] D 16:6: Pyre in Cut in E-W Street

Pyre in cut in E-W street, layer 7 (Pyre 14). North edge of Piraeus street, west of the Great Drain Bridge, in the area west of Areopagus. RSY-Pyre. Pottery, a little burnt bone, and patches of charcoal ... 250-240 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 16:8: Pit 2

Pit 2 in Grave area. Small deposit in a pit; a fragment of a red-figured nuptial lebes recalls the early Kerch style of the second quarter of the 4th c.; the deposit as a whole runs somewhat later ... Ca. 375-315 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 17:3: Cistern at 65/KH

Cistern at 65/ΚΗ (and Channel). Cistern in the northwest room of the annex to the Poros Building west of the Areopagus. Part of the same system as D 17:4 and D 17:5, the chambers connected by long tunnels ... 300-250 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 17:4: Cistern at 70/ΚΕ

Cistern at 70/ΚΕ and channels. Part of same system as D 17:3 and D 17:5. It was set against a corner of the lowest foundation block. Thus one is forced to assume that enough of the wall remained at least ... Ca. 200-150 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 17:5: Cistern

Built against the south wall of the annex to the Poros Building west of the Areopagus. At the west the upper layer of marble chips carried against it, the lowest were cut by it. Part of same system as ... 225-100 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 17:11: Well

Upper fill early Roman. Lower fill latest Hellenistic. No house walls clearly associated with it, and apparently no attempt made to assign it to any particular house. Subdivisions: .1=Upper fill .2=Lower ... Late Hellenistic-Early Roman

[Agora Deposit] D 17:12: Well

Unfinished well, south of the annex to the Poros Building, west of the Areopagus. The shaft was apparently never used as a well. The lower dumped filling contained a quantity of clean red clay, as if from ... Ca. 350-325 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 19:2: Well

Well on the lower west slope of the Areopagus. Tiled well. The tiles were carefully made and clamped together with lead, two clamps at each joint. Several fills but apparently all 2nd c. Material in lowest ... Late 2nd to early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D-E 8-9:1: Theseion Cisterns A and B (1936)

Two chambers connected by a tunnel, all filled at the same time, but with slight Hellenistic disturbance. Chamber A, to west at 14/ΛΗ, B to east at 14-15/ΛΒ on grid for section RR. Cistern system ca. 20.00m ... Ca. 325-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D-E 15:1: Great Drain Fillings

Great Drain: fillings in south part of section; Martyrs I, II and III, all layers (essentially no difference in the layers). Pottery sorted and recorded by H.A. Thompson 12 may 1950: "Having gone through ... Second half of 2nd c. B.C.-Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 2:3: Foundry Pit

"Foundry Pit": N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Stoa, Layer VII, with slag). A foundry pit in the courtyard of a small metalworking establishment outside the Agora to the northwest. Both the courtyard and ... Ca. 375-350 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 3:1: Cistern at 44/Η

Cistern with considerable dumped fill at the north foot of Kolonos Agoraios. It may have been abandoned ca. 295-295 B.C.; it will have been filled by 280 B.C. Multiple vessels share same stamps, and painted ... Ca. 325-250 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 5:2: Cistern in ΛΛ

Cistern connected by tunnel to another chamber filled in Byzantine period. Small Hellenistic deposit on floor. somewhat contaminated by Byzantine fill above No stamped amphora handles later than 3rd c.; ... 250-190 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 5:5: Pit

Pit at 79-83/ΜΒ-ΜΖ (or 81/ΜΣΤ=pit under floor of Room 11 in Roman Bldg. 2, 82/ΜΓ, 83/ΜΕ=well at 83/ΜΗ). Purpose of pit obscure. Evidently filled in Hellenistic times and disturbed in Roman times. Coins: ... 275-200 B.C. with later disturbance

[Agora Deposit] E 6:1: East Chamber at 69/Λ

Cistern System #3: East Chamber at 69/Λ, joined by a crooked passage to 69/ΛΣΤ. Under the southwest corner of the Hellenistic Building to the north of the Temple of Hephaistos ... 175-125 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 6:2: West Chamber

Cistern System #3: West Chamber at 69/ΛΣΤ, joined by a crooked passage to 69/Λ. Under the southwest corner of the Hellenistic Building to the north of the Temple of Hephaistos. Upper fill of early 1st ... 175-125 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 10:1: Manhole, Channel Mouth 4

Water channel in north part of Section: Channel Mouth 4. Coins: 22 February 1936 #16-#18 24 February 1936 #1-#2 Twenty stamped amphora handles; type 38 lamp; type 56 A lamp; over half of bowls long-petal ... 120-86 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:1: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C. Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C. Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:3: Drawshaft, "Kybele Cistern"

Cistern-shaft at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just ... Upper fill, Late Roman with some Hellenistic. Middle fill, Sullan debris to last quarter of 1st c. B.C. Lower fill, 4th-3rd c. B.C.=POU and abandonment

[Agora Deposit] E 14:6: Well H

Upper fill was early Roman dated by AWP to the 1st c. A transitional fill was later assigned to the upper level. Nbp. 2913: The history may have been that the well was cleaned out at the time that it was ... 3rd-2nd century B.C and Roman date.