2015.21.0012Actual state plan of excavation on Asteroskopiou Street, Sections ΣΤ and Κ.1967  
2018.01.0001 (85-451)Context pottery from the Triangular Sanctuary at the southwest entrance to the Agora. Geometric and Protoattic fragments from lower fill inside the Hieron (Area G 16). Upper row from left to right: P 27819, P 27815, P 27813, P 27812. Second row from left to right: P 27820, P 27818, P 27816, P 27817, P 27814. Third row from left to right: P 27828, P 27826, P 27829, P 27821, MC 1130, P 27827. Bottom row from left to right: P 27823, P 27822, P 27795, P 27830, P 27824, P. 27825.   
2012.57.0101 (84-168)Poros water basins re-used as cover slabs of drains to the south of the east terrace.August 1965  
2012.57.0692 (85-51)View of all the rooms.29 Aug 1966  
2012.57.0847 (85-206)Cremation burial of a rich Athenian lady. Burial pit (Deposit H 16:6) partially opened showing offerings. At left, cremation area with broken and burned pottery.16 Jun 1967  
2012.57.0905 (85-259)General view of the house on the northwest shoulder of the Areopagus.July 1967  
2012.56.0934 (85-271)Section, restored plan and elevation of the fountain in the back wall of the South Stoa II.1966  
2012.57.0946 (85-300)Cut in the terrace, showing cobbled floor and Hellenistic branch of the Great Drain.15 Jul 1967