
[Agora Object] P 11018: Amphora: Lesbian

Much of the wall and lip missing; restored in plaster. Ovoid body ending in a spike, straight neck, rolled handles from just below rounded lip. Coarse gray clay, unglazed. Well, late 5th.-4th. c. B.C ... 18 May-4 June 1937


[Agora Object] P 11436: Moldmade Bowl Fragment

Rim fragment, very finely stamped; ovolo with darts, dolphins over a stippled wave pattern, and guilloche between scraped grooves. Thickened out-turned rim with a scraped groove below it. Dull brownish ... 13-27 February 1937

[Agora Object] P 12789: Storage Amphora

Neck missing with one handle and most of the other, and fragments from wall. Inverted pear-shaped body tapering to long thick toe. Handle round in section, the line of each handle is continued by a vertical ... 5 May 1938


[Agora Object] P 16221: Moldmade Bowl Fragments

Mended from many pieces; one non-joining fragment. About half the rim and rather less than half the body preserved; bottom missing. Restored in plaster. Out-turned lip, marked off outside by a scraped ... 11 May 1939