[Agora Deposit] P 18:2: Well at 30/ΛΣΤ

Well at 30/ΛΣΤ Coins (none useful) 25 May 1938 #3-#6 26 May 1938 #3-#4 ... Early 3rd cent and of 4th-6th cent. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] P 21:2: Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H

Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H. Diameter 0.80m, lined with field stones set in mortar. used as a cistern as well. No useful pottery dates. Capital from colonnade A 3866 and part of shaft found ... 29 July 1970


[Agora Deposit] Q 21:4: Well in Room 7 of Roman House H

Well in Room 7 of Roman House H, partially covered by caldarium of added bath complex (Room 6). Stone well-head; 0.85m in diameter. Stpped because of danger of collapse. Cut through bedrock, water from ... 6th c. A.D.


[Agora Object] S 1026: Bust

Head missing. Left edge broken away. Minor fractures. Surface pitted from cesspool acids. Draped bust with cavity and dowel-hole for insertion of marble head and neck. At the back all but the central portion ... 24 March 1938


[Agora Object] S 1044: Bust of Female Figure

Head missing; drapery behind right shoulder chipped. Draped female bust on small circular base, the bust rising in front from three formalized leaves. Marble badly stained from neighboring cesspool ... 7 May 1938


[Agora Object] S 1053: Statuette of Half-Draped Seated Male Figure

Two joining fragments; head and arms missing, minor fractures. The attachment hole for the head, and the lower half of the iron pin in it, preserved on the upper surface of the neck. A male figure draped ... 16 May 1938


[Agora Object] S 1054: Statue of Hermes

Complete except for right hand, a bit of the caduceus and a fragment from the left arm, where there is a break, and an iron dowel, which joined the two parts in antiquity; the head made separately and ... 18 May 1938


[Agora Object] S 1055: Head of Female Figure

Preserved to base of neck, end of nose missing, a chip from the chin and minor fractures. A life-sized head of a woman or goddess (Nemesis?), turned slightly left. Hair parted in the middle and softly ... 18 May 1938