
[Agora Object] P 6340: Frying Pan

Restored in plaster. Flat-bottomed with low upturned side wall grooved on top. Horizontal spout handle. Coarse brownish clay with many grits, much burned. Cf. Agora V, p. 18, under no. F 79. Cistern ... 22 May-6 June 1935


[Agora Object] P 7971: Casserole

Fragmentary; profile complete. Restored in plaster. Deep-bodied casserole with slightly rounded bottom, vertical walls and projecting rim for lid. Lug handles. Coarse light red clay, buff at surface, ... 16-27 April 1936

[Agora Object] P 8941: Bowl

Flat floor; steep sides; flaring lip. Heavy fabric. Coarse clay, burned red to black. ADDENDA Wheelmade. Exterior slightly smoothed. Calcite temper. Eg. Epirus?/W. Greece? (JWH). Deposit list says level ... 12 February 1937


[Agora Object] P 8943: Vessel Fragment with Dipinto

Fragment from wall of common ware pot. Dipinto incomplete; painted in black: Light red clay. Buff slip. ADDENDA Find missing (June 1957). Cistern. Leica, LXI-15 ... 12 February 1937