[Corinth Basket] NB158 P182

Deposit 158 182 Removal of top soil Top soil in area 2 or else from south apse of church Sherds from areas 1-2, surface to 1.80 m. down ... 1936/04/21


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 158, spread 99 (pp. 181 - 182)

181 182 Pg. 181, 21/4/1936 (cont/), C 1936 85, Disk of a Byzantine plate Pg. 181, 21/4/1936 (cont/), Drawing, Drawing of a loom weight Pg. 182, 21/4/1936 (cont/), C 1936 52, Fragment with heavy green glaze ... 21/4/1936 (cont/)


[Corinth Monument] Agora south central

Excavations in this area of the forum were conducted in 1936-38. Charles Morgan, M. Folse, and M. Campbell supervised the work on the Central Shops, Bema, and the Underground Shrine.