[Corinth Basket] NB190 P504: Well C, Cistern 1940-3

190 504 NB190 P504 L'-N', 6-8 ... 1st half of 5th c. or earlier, mostly late 6th ... 1st half of 5th c. or earlier, mostly late 6th

[Corinth Basket] NB126 P28

Deposit 126 28 NB126 P028 NB126 P028 N4 or N9 NB126 P028 No. 2 Lerna square, 6:SS along east side roughly E. of dining room 2 0.50 m. above B or somewhat more Lerna Square, 6:SS, NE quarter behind dining ... 1932/03/17 ... NB126 P028 N4 or N9 ... NB126 P028 ... NB126 P028 No. 2

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B12 P6

Basket/zembil 84 12 6 House P annex, NE room East Room (E of House P). In the NE corner of this room some walls have come to light. I think there are two sets an earlier and a later. The later walls ... 1916/05/30 ... page. Pts. 5-6 7-8 are on ... 6 ... House P annex, NE room

[Corinth Basket] NB230 B10012 P23: Fill in E part of Section G (former Rooms #4-#5) a

Basket/zembil 230 10012 23 NB230 B4 PG23 April 19 (p. 23) Since the area between Wall #3 (destroyed) and Wall F-2 at ΠΓ-ΠΣΤ/103 appeared to be a single room, I added to Section G area ΠΓ-ΠΣΤ/100-103. I ... 1961/04/19 ... into #8. April 20 (p. 26) ... April 19 (p. 23) Since ... sketch on p. 18] [Finds

[Corinth Basket] NB230 B10064 P72: Modern surface clearing

Basket/zembil 230 10064 72 NB230 B2 PG72 May 5 (p. 72) In area ΟΒ-ΞΖ/100-90 we began a new trench at +86.956, using Basket #2. May 6 (p. 76) In the new trench at ΟΒ-ΞΖ/100-90 we continued with Basket ... 1961/05/05 ... #2. May 6 (p. 76) In the ... #2 of May 5. May 8 (p ... May 5 (p. 72) In area

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B42 P221

Basket/zembil 81 42 221 Trench P II P II 0.25-0.50. Chiefly Mycenaean but contains some fragments which are "merely Hellenic." The earth in places begins to look like disintegrated mudbrick. In ... 1915/06/05 ... Trench P II ... P II 0.25-0.50 ... In P II at S.W. corner a

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B119 P76

Basket/zembil 84 119 76 R, pit east of altar, VI, pithos burial (=R VI) R VI 1.00- Begun [p. 79, 4 July 1916] R VI continued 1.00-1.30 Under the junction of walls (a) and (b) (page 3) we have found ... 1916/07/03 ... NB84 B119 P76

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B41 P221

Basket/zembil 81 41 221 Trench P I Ca. 40 m to the west we are beginning a new trench running N and S in a section ca. 5.00 long. North of this in the edge of the bluff a certain amount of stratification ... 1915/06/05 ... NB81 B41 P221