Agora Coin: N 41862
Inventory Number:   N 41862
Section Number:   Η'-3926
Category:   Coin
Description:   Paper-thin silver.
Dates and rulers effaced.
Notes:   Coin no. 10. GCM 864.10
Context:   Just below metal of Poseidon Street.
Notebook Page:   665
Weight:   0.20
Metal:   Silver
Chronology:   Ca. 1757-1839 A.D.
Date:   24 May 1933
Section:   Η'
Grid:   Η':22-26/ΝΗ-ΞΕ
Period:   Turkish
Mint:   Constantinople
Authority:   Uncertain Sultan
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 288.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Notebook: Η'-4
Notebook Page: Η'-4-42 (pp. 665-666)
Card: Η'-3925-3926