Agora Image: 1997.13.0358 (LXVI-7)Martyr west of the stepped retaining wall. South end of the martyr remains, showing layers from top to bottom as follows: (1) strosis on which blocks rested; (2) "intermediate" strosis; (3) working floor; (4) Agora floor of pre-Hellenistic times with abandoned blocks lying on it.
Archive Number:   1997.13.0358
Title:   Martyr west of the stepped retaining wall. South end of the martyr remains, showing layers from top to bottom as follows: (1) strosis on which blocks rested; (2) "intermediate" strosis; (3) working floor; (4) Agora floor of pre-Hellenistic times with abandoned blocks lying on it.
Negative:   LXVI-7
Looking:   south
Date:   22 May 1954
Notebook Page:   3219
Rating:   1
Section:   Κ
Storage:   Drawer 13
References:   Image: 2012.54.0208 (LXVI-7)
Notebook: Κ-17