Agora Image: 2009.03.0434 (Section Κ 399)Statuette of Aphrodite (Κ 3115) as found. From south. It lies beside the late Roman terracotta drain (Drain Q) at the point where it falls into the Fountain House drain. Upper left, blocks at northwest corner of Fountain House.
Archive Number:   2009.03.0434
Title:   Statuette of Aphrodite (Κ 3115) as found. From south. It lies beside the late Roman terracotta drain (Drain Q) at the point where it falls into the Fountain House drain. Upper left, blocks at northwest corner of Fountain House.
Negative:   Section Κ 399
Date:   18 May 1954
Notebook Page:   3238
Rating:   2
Section:   Κ
References:   Notebook: Κ-17