Agora Image: 2012.32.0825 (Section ΓΓ 128)Pithos (1) in circular pit from northeast. 2 is north end of North-South Wall at 6/ΙΕ-ΙΘ. 3 is north half of stuccoed underpaving. 4 is tile mosaic floor cut thru by circular pit.
Archive Number:   2012.32.0825
Title:   Pithos (1) in circular pit from northeast. 2 is north end of North-South Wall at 6/ΙΕ-ΙΘ. 3 is north half of stuccoed underpaving. 4 is tile mosaic floor cut thru by circular pit.
Negative:   Section ΓΓ 128
Date:   17 Apr 1939
Notebook Page:   461
Rating:   2
Section:   ΓΓ