Agora Image: 2012.32.0888 (Section ΓΓ 191)Area of North-South wall at 41 and fallen blocks from southeast. 1 is North-South wall at 41. 2 is blocks set against stereo ( East-West wall 0.30m north of North-South wall at 41). 3 is fallen stones on East-West line. 4 is trench with broken tiles. 5 is pithos at 43/ΜΣΤ.
Archive Number:   2012.32.0888
Title:   Area of North-South wall at 41 and fallen blocks from southeast. 1 is North-South wall at 41. 2 is blocks set against stereo ( East-West wall 0.30m north of North-South wall at 41). 3 is fallen stones on East-West line. 4 is trench with broken tiles. 5 is pithos at 43/ΜΣΤ.
Negative:   Section ΓΓ 191
Date:   1 May 1939
Notebook Page:   884
Rating:   2
Section:   ΓΓ