Agora Image: 2012.32.0948 (Section ΓΓ 251)West Road and Drain. North-South line of 3 stones in surface of Layer II, from northwest. 1 is North-South line of stones. 2 is Layer IIIa. 3 is Layer IIIc. 4 is original East-West showing surface of Layer Iva. 5 is original martyra to south of original East-West cut. 6 is projecting row (North-South) of stones against west face of Wall C. 7 is martyra of Layer IIIa in original East-West cut. 8 is Layer II to north of extension north of original East-West cut. 9 is Wall C.
Archive Number:   2012.32.0948
Title:   West Road and Drain. North-South line of 3 stones in surface of Layer II, from northwest. 1 is North-South line of stones. 2 is Layer IIIa. 3 is Layer IIIc. 4 is original East-West showing surface of Layer Iva. 5 is original martyra to south of original East-West cut. 6 is projecting row (North-South) of stones against west face of Wall C. 7 is martyra of Layer IIIa in original East-West cut. 8 is Layer II to north of extension north of original East-West cut. 9 is Wall C.
Negative:   Section ΓΓ 251
Date:   29 May 1939
Notebook Page:   1467
Rating:   2
Section:   ΓΓ