Agora Image: 2012.43.0463 (Section ΠΠ 299)Northeast of House D Room 1 with catch basin in left foreground and door stoop in background. From the east.
Archive Number:   2012.43.0463
Title:   Northeast of House D Room 1 with catch basin in left foreground and door stoop in background. From the east.
Negative:   Section ΠΠ 299
Date:   21 Apr 1948
Notebook Page:   1350
Rating:   2
Section:   ΠΠ
References:   Image: 2009.03.0701 (Section ΠΠ 299)
Notebook: ΠΠ-7
Notebook Page: ΠΠ-7-80 (pp. 1350-1351)