Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 548
Chronology:   420-400 B.C.
Deposit:   Q 15:2
Published Number:   AV 12.548
References:   Object: P 23898
Flaring ring foot. Concave lower part of wall, a scraped groove at its junction with the upper part, and above this a groove. Groove at the rim on the outside. Reserved: under- side with glazed center on which are three scraped grooves and a central point. Decoration inside: circle of ovules, zone of nine palmettes. Worn.

P 11770 H 12:6 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pls. 94 and 95, 159 is close in the treatment of the underside, and the pattern has affinities. Earlier but with an equally slipshod pattern, P 2309 R 13:4 Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 488, fig. 10, 15.