Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 645
Chronology:   450-425 B.C.
Deposit:   G 18:1-M
Published Number:   AV 12.645
References:   Object: P 16460
Low ring foot with torus outer face; deep pear-shaped body. Round handles rising above rim. At either side, where the handles are attached, the walls have been carefully pinched in, so that the mouth is, in plan, a figure-of-eight. Reserved: underside, with a scraped line at junction of foot and wall.

A similar one, though lower and broader, is in Frankfort, Liebighaus inv. 544: Münch. archäol. Studien, 1909, p. 104, with the graffito ΛΕΝΒΟΣ ΟΝΟΜΑ (see pp. 8, 117).