Agora Object: Agora XXX, no. 551
Chronology:   Ca. 460 B.C.
Deposit:   G 10
Published Number:   AV 30.551
References:   Object: P 3037
Wall fragment slightly convex. Max. dim. 0.104. Prange, Niobidenmaler, p. 167, cat. no. A 52.

The fragment preserves parts of two women hurrying in opposite directions. The left one seems to wear a rather heavy garment (an ependytes[?]), the right, a chiton and himation. Preliminary sketch. Relief contour.

Not from the same vase as 264, as suggested in ARV2. The wall of 264 flares; that of 551 is slightly convex. Also, the preliminary sketch on 551 is thicker. 264 is from a much larger vase.

The Altamura Painter (ARV1 414, 30; ARV2 593, 39).